23 April 2020

This is the fastest, most practical social media course online to help you understand and leverage social media for your business.

Submitted by: Nadia Von Maltitz Von Maltitz
This is the fastest, most practical social media course online to help you understand and leverage social media for your business.

There is no doubt that lockdown has caused chaos for most businesses in South Africa. This is why Cuberoo has made their services more accessible than ever before for businesses across the country. 

Use the COVID19 coupon to get Cuberoo’s Social Media Training for ONLY R900. 

Cuberoo has helped over 100 businesses manage their social media pages and now we want to help you too!  Director, Nadia von Maltitz, says “We've created this course over the period of the last 3 years for the busy executive, business owner or start-up company to leverage the wildly effective process we've created”.  

What was once a service only big enterprises had access to is now accessible to all companies. Right now business owners have the time during this period to learn an efficient way of strategizing their platforms, learning how to create posts & layouts creating ads, and much, much more!  This course will save you time by giving you the right information quickly, help you create awareness, and help you drive customers to your business. 

If you feel like you don’t understand social media but you know you need it or that you’re unsure if you’re doing it right and need the confidence of knowing you’re on the right track, then this course is for you. Why should you invest in social media for your business? Social media has become a marketing tool you need to master for your business with more than 2.4 billion users on Facebook and more than 1 billion active users on Instagram. It has become the marketing channel you cannot ignore.

For more information: https://www.cuberoo.com/online-training-coming-soon/
Register: http://cuberootraining.com/register/   

Included in the course: 10 videos (Includes everything from setup, content, ads, analytics and everything in-between)
5 Downloadable documents (Includes the Master Document, Content Ideas and more) 

Total Words: 330