19 January 2023

Registrations are open for the Conduct Risk Conference, with a discount of up to R 1 500 per delegate

Submitted by: Umbono Conferences and Events
Registrations are open for the Conduct Risk Conference, with a discount of up to R 1 500 per delegate

Umbono Conference and Events will be hosting the Conduct Risk Conference on the 1st March 2023, this is a one-day hybrid conference allowing the delegates the choice of attending virtually or physically.  

With over 15 speakers presenting, the programme will be divided into four sessions and a panel discussion, addressing the current conduct risk framework, conduct risk through a behavioral science lens, culture, technology, governance, compliance and how conduct risk works today, and what the future holds.  

Ready to innovate and join the ranks of the biggest innovators, then register on the discounted rate before the 31st January 2023 and join companies such as Guardrisk, Investec, Absa and Nedbank.     

Some of the key topics

  • Global regulatory update - compliance, culture and conduct risk
  • Conduct risk through a behavioral science lens
  • The importance of ethical decision making and leadership for the future - Recognising the importance of ethics and culture
  • Developing an all-encompassing governance framework for Market Conduct
  • Managing Digital Conduct Risk - Ensuring the delivery of fair outcomes
  • POPIA & risk assessments - how to identify and minimise the data protection risks
  • A holistic approach to conduct risk management – going beyond the letter of the law
  • Panel discussion: Future of risk, governance, culture & compliance

To register as a delegate for the Conduct Risk Conference e-mail the Project Manager Thunile Nkosi on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or call 061 443 2165


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Umbono Conferences and Events

Umbono Conferences and Events was found in 2021 as a nurturing and growing brand. Umbono means vision an idea. We will be known for the amalgamation skills and a well-grounded presence in the country, delivering the best and well organized conferences with additional exhibitions allowing delegates a platform to physically interact with the industry leading service providers.