18 October 2022

Register to attend and be part of the discussion at the Biometrics Africa Conference 2022

Submitted by: Umbono Conferences and Events
Register to attend and be part of the discussion at the Biometrics Africa Conference 2022

By now, biometric technologies have been rapidly growing worldwide enabling countries in Africa to advance from old technologies and shift to modern innovations. Identity management programs like fingerprint and facial recognition scanners are second nature to many mobile users worldwide.

With biometric technologies rapidly growing worldwide enabling countries in Africa to advance from old technologies and shift to modern innovations. Identity management programs like fingerprint and facial recognition scanners are second nature to many mobile users worldwide.

Umbono Conferences Events will be hosting the 1st Biometrics Africa Conference on the 23 &24 November 2022 at the Focus Rooms, Modderfontein. The conference is being organised as a hybrid, giving the delegate the option of attending physically or virtually.

The conference programme consists of four sessions and a panel discussion which takes place on Wednesday, 23 November 2022, 14:30 – 15:20. The topic is “Combating the biometric fraudster using data analytics”.

Moderated by Tawanda Chatikobo, Head: Digital Strategy & Innovation, Retail & Business Banking Digital at Nedbank alongside:

  • Dalene Deale, Executive Head, Secure Citizen
  • Simphiwe Phakathi, Executive Head, Lesakatech
  • Kevin Mani, Director, Nuance Africa Enterprise (SA)
  • Masechaba Wessie, Divisional IT Executive, Liberty Group (SA)

The Panel Discussion will focus on the different aspects on what financial institutions are doing about the implementation of biometrics and the evolution of behavioral biometrics technology as cyber attackers are becoming much more sophisticated, and our reliance on digital services is increasing.

With over 20 speakers presenting less than four sessions, the speaker panel also includes organisations such as the Symbiosis Institute of Digital & Telecom Management (India) ,Access Bank Botswana , NAMFISA(Namibia) , Experian (Uganda) ,FluidRock Governance Group (South Africa) ,Digital Frontier (South Africa) ,University of Johannesburg (South Africa) , CENFRI (The Centre for Financial Regulation and Inclusion – South Africa), Beka Finance (Spain) , Secure Citizen (South Africa) , Nuance Communications (South Africa) , OpenUp (formerly Code for South Africa),LexisNexis Risk Solution (UK) ,BDO- South Africa and Women in Identity (UK) ,

Delegates will have the opportunity to network with a wide variety of professionals from international and local thought-leaders, experts and influencers.

Topics to be covered include assessing risks in a digital age, convergence of Bioethics and Biometrics, biometric technology in banking institutions: 'the customers' perspectives, preventing fraud with frictionless biometric authentication, digital and biometric identity systems, behavioral biometrics fraud protection see the full programme here.

Register now and be part of the discussion on the evolution of behavioral biometrics technology, how it works today, and what the future will hold.

Using code PANEL#06 will qualify for a discounted rate of R1 500 on the normal physical registration fee of R8 700 and the virtual of R6 000.

Registration form

Alternatively, you can contact the project manager Thunile Nkosi on 061 443 2165 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Total Words: 541

Umbono Conferences and Events

Umbono Conferences and Events was found in 2021 as a nurturing and growing brand. Umbono means vision an idea. We will be known for the amalgamation skills and a well-grounded presence in the country, delivering the best and well organized conferences with additional exhibitions allowing delegates a platform to physically interact with the industry leading service providers.