07 April 2016

ProActive™ implements campaign for Simply Asia

Submitted by: Veruska D'Onofrio
ProActive™ implements campaign for Simply Asia

ProActive™ recently implemented a widespread campaign for Simply Asia that ensured that the Thai-inspired food brand made its mark and spread its message across key cities in South Africa.

ProActive™ is renowned for its strategic approach and for creating campaigns that resonate with the target audience. The Simply Asia activation touched consumers across the country – in Cape Town, Johannesburg, George, Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein and Durban – and engaged with them at beaches, malls and popular hang-out areas.

“Our focus is to create and implement campaigns that really touch consumers, that allows them to interact with the brand and really get to know the product so that they want to make it part of their lives.  With the Simply Asia campaign the aim was to create awareness for the brand, for the stores and for the unique dish numbering system of the menu; with the result that more consumers have visited stores for eat-ins and take-outs,” explains Peter Kohlӧffel – ProActive™: Group National Sales Manager.

For more information on how ProActive™ can increase traffic into your franchised outlets and make an impact on your brand’s bottom line contact Peter Kohlӧffel on 0861 776 826 orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or www.provantage.co.za  or @ProvantageSA

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