IAS repeats its sponsorship of the Agency Credentials award at the 2017 Assegai Awards
Submitted by: Leago
Following a successful launch of the “world’s first” Agency Credentials Award in 2016, the IAS will continue to sponsor the IAS Agency Credentials award category in this year’s Assegai Awards.
The aim of the award is to recognise an agency’s credentials set – written credentials document as well as “Talking Heads” agency show reel - within the various agency discipline types e.g. creative, digital, PR, media and design in South Africa.
According to Johanna McDowell, the CEO of IAS, “This award will not be judged by agency peer groups or journalists”. The panel of judges will be made up of marketers and intermediaries internationally.
“We are encouraging agencies across all disciplines to enter for this award as it will give them an opportunity to showcase their agency to a large number of leading marketers on the judging panel”, says McDowell. She adds that judges will be carefully looking in the entries for those nuggets of information which set one agency apart from the others.
Closing date for entries is midnight Wednesday 30 August.
The IAS Agency Credentials Award falls into Section F. All details can be found on the Assegai Awards website: www.assegaiawards.co.zaThe Assegai Awards are hosted in association with the Direct Marketing Association of South Africa (DMASA). A DMASA Assegai Award is a mark of victory in Direct Marketing excellence.
Johanna McDowell will also be a judge at this year’s awards acknowledging entries that deliver exceptional results.
Since their inception, the Assegai Awards have striven to benchmark the South African Direct Marketing industry, to highlight best-in-class examples and encourage all players in the industry to work towards achieving greatness in their campaigns. The goal remains to keep raising the bar for the whole industry.
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About the IAS
The IAS (Independent Agency Search and Selection Company) in association with the AAR Group (UK) was founded in South Africa by the Mazole Holdings Group in 2006.
IAS specialises in client/agency relationship management and helping clients find agencies.International associate company AAR Group, was founded more than 35 years ago in the UK and has associates and branches throughout the world.
The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company is committed to the international and local pitch guidelines as defined by both the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising UK) and the ACA (The Association of Communications Agencies SA).
Mazole Holdings is a South African company owned 51% by Dan Moyane and 49% by Johanna McDowell.
The IAS is a level 2 BEE contributor.
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