BEE Prepared for 31 March 2018 – A Race Against Time - Are you ready? – IAS Agencies Masterclass.
Submitted by: Leago
The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company (IAS) will be hosting an interactive presentation and discussion with Deon Oberholzer, Group CEO of Gestalt Growth Strategies on Tuesday 13th February 2018.
Masterclass will cover the following:
- A brief recap of the Amended MAC Sector Codes
- What’s with the marginalisation of black men in the MAC Sector?
- The MAC Sector Scorecard Targets increase in March, what impact will this have on your planning and is it as bad as it seems?
- The targets for Socio-Economic Development and Responsible Social Marketing are more than doubled, and more than double that of the Generic Amended Codes.
- The Skills Development targets are huge and appears overly restrictive, how to we develop core staff and get enough points and save on expenditure.
Date: Tuesday 13 February 2018
Time: 14:00 pm – 17:00 pm (Registration at 13.30 pm) Tea and Coffee will be served
Venue: IoD (Institute of Directors), National Office, 144 Katherine Street, Graystonridge Office Park, Sandton.
Who should attend: CEOs, Finance, Legal, Business Heads, Account Directors / Managers.
Deon Oberholzer Profile
Deon Oberholzer is the Group CEO of Gestalt Growth Strategies which includes Veri-Com, a SANAS accredited BEE Verification Agency
Deon and has been involved with Black Economic Empowerment at various levels since 2004. The Gestalt Group focus mainly on BEE and the opportunities and challenges that this presents.
Deon’s expertise in BEE includes strategy development, legislation, partnerships, consulting, HR and skills development, supplier and enterprise development, turnaround strategies, mergers and acquisitions, rural development and investment projects. He is on the board of ABP (Association of B-BBEE Professionals) and serves on the DTI Joint Technical Committee on BEE.
Deon holds a Master’s Degree in Engineering and a MBA from Wits Business School.
These Masterclasses are exclusive to subscribing agencies and their staff. All names and titles of staff members must be registered with IAS before attendance is approved. There are no costs for any subscriber to attend the IAS Masterclasses. For non-subscribers a once off cost of R3000,00 ex VAT per Agency attending will be applied.
Please confirm your attendance by Tuesday 6 February to Hlamazi Mabunda on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Should you wish to know more about becoming a subscriber to the IAS range of services to agencies, please be in contact with Johanna McDowell or Nikki Munsie on 010 594 0281
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