IAS appoints Hlamazi Mabunda as Project Manager and Consultant
Submitted by: Leago
The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company (IAS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Hlamazi Mabunda as its project manager and consultant.
Hlamazi graduated from the AAA School of Advertising with a Diploma in Integrated marketing communications and a specialization in business management more than six years ago. Her first job as an intern was at the IAS in its early days.
Since then Hlamazi has held a number of roles in the industry where she has developed her marketing and business skills in both inbound marketing and e marketing.
Comments Johanna McDowell, CEO of IAS, “Hlamazi’s return signals a new era of growth within the IAS. We have a number of new services that we are offering to agencies and clients and her role will be to help us manage these services along with all of the current work that we do as one of the leading intermediaries in the industry.”
Hlamazi’s role is multi-faceted, comprising marketing to prospective clients and agencies, agency pitch processes, client and agency relationships and agency subscriber management.
About the IAS
The IAS (Independent Agency Search and Selection Company) in association with the AAR Group (UK) was founded in South Africa by the Mazole Holdings Group in 2006.
IAS specialises in client/agency relationship management and helping clients find agencies.
International associate company AAR Group, was founded more than 35 years ago in the UK and has associates and branches throughout the world.
The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company is committed to the international and local pitch guidelines as defined by both the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising UK) and the ACA (The Association of Communications Agencies SA).
Mazole Holdings is a South African company owned 51% by Dan Moyane and 49% by Johanna McDowell.
The IAS is a level 2 BEE contributor.
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