Helping agencies to build a Proactive Relationship with Procurement - next IAS master class for agency subscribers.
Submitted by: Leago
Top executives and management who lead the country’s marketing and communication agencies have an opportunity to gain up to the minute insight and practical guidance on how to build a proactive relationship with procurement.
The IAS will be hosting this Masterclass for Agencies, A panel discussion facilitated by the IAS to include Brehndan Botha – Diageo - Procurement Portfolio Manager - Demand & Indirect Procurement, Cindy Edwards – RMB – Financial Services, Lawson Naidoo – Public Procurement Specialist, Lorato Ledwaba – Simba PepsiCo - Commercial Manager Sub-Sahara Africa , Noel Mbizwo - Airchefs - Head of Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain.
The Building a proactive relationship with procurement Masterclass for agencies is being offered by the Independent Agency Search & Selection Company (IAS) and will cover the following topics: ·
- Panel Discussion
- How does Procurement see the business outlook for the next 12 months
- What does Procurement do and what do they look for from suppliers
- How does Procurement work with Marketing
- How can Agencies improve their relationship with Procurement
- How can Agencies build collaborative relationships with Procurement
- What would Procurement like to see from Agencies
- Tender process compliance – the ins and outs
The masterclass will take place in Johannesburg on Tuesday 27 June 2017 between 14:00 and 17:00.
Registration starts at 13:30.
Venue: IoD (Institute of Directors), National Office, 144 Katherine Street, Graystonridge Office Park, Sandton.
This Masterclass is exclusive to subscribing agencies and their staff. All names and titles of staff members must be registered with IAS before attendance is approved. There are no costs for any agency subscribers to attend the IAS Masterclasses.
Bookings for the Masterclass are essential: please email Nikki Munsie – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Should you wish to know more about becoming a subscriber to the IAS range of services to agencies, please be in contact with Johanna McDowell or Nikki Munsie on 010 594 0281.
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