09 October 2020

Celebrating Heritage Month

Submitted by: Archy Hlahla
Celebrating Heritage Month

September is Heritage Month in South Africa and Heritage Day is celebrated annually on the 24th of September. During this month, we showcase cultures that make up this beautiful country and acknowledge the diversity that makes up our Rainbow Nation. We pay tribute to the efforts of all South Africans who contribute to the development of the South Africa which we can all be proud of.

The theme for Heritage Month this year as stated by the President Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa is Reclaiming, Restoring and Celebrating our Shared Culture, Shared Heritage and Shared Responsibility while we recognize aspects of all South African cultures both tangible and intangible, including creative expressions such as music and performances, our historical inheritance, language and the food we eat.

At Hlengani, we always live out the proudly South African value of Ubuntu because we believe “umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu”. We shared positive messages during heritage month, encouraging all people to be proud of their unique identities, respect our differences and enjoy the diversity of our beliefs and traditions in the wider context of a nation that belongs to all its people.

On the 12th of September, we commemorated the life of Mr Bantu Stephen Biko after 43 years of his passing. Steve Biko, a prominent political figure was at the forefront of a grassroot anti-apartheid campaign known as the Black Consciousness Movement during the late 1960s and 1970s. Biko made significant contributions to the freedom that we enjoy today as a nation and we honor his legacy; his teachings and philosophies remain relevant to the South African settings.

South Africa moved to lockdown level 1 on the 21st of September. Several restrictions have now been eased, allowing for both business and free travelling nationally.  As a nation that is filled with so much diversity, we have come a long way, but the journey continues as we have so much potential to be amongst the best, not only in Africa but the world.

We encourage you to stay safe, to protect yourself and family. Remember to wear your mask when leaving the house and sanitize.

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