With increasing interest rates, more people are trying to obtain the greatest value from their cars by turning to used cars. “When selling a used car through a dealer, consumers are offered up to 30 percent less than book value, which is motivation enough to try and sell privately,” says Gassner.
“The media has highlighted a number of cases where consumers have been hijacked, or victims of fraudulent cheques or deposits when trying to sell their cars privately. And even buyers of used cars are exposed to risks from all sides, be it buying a stolen car, or getting saddled with a faulty vehicle.” AA Autobay, an online portal, facilitates the buying and selling of used cars and provides a safe, risk-free platform for consumers.
“The AA Autobay process of buying used cars and selling used cars has been designed specifically to combat these risks. Both buyers and sellers are assured of their safety and receiving the best, most beneficial deal,” says Gassner.
AA Autobay’s safe and risk-free offering:
- AA multi-point check
- including a roadworthy test
- Vehicles checked to ensure they are not stolen
- AA Mechanical Breakdown Warranty offered on used cars 8 years and younger
- Arrangement of safe test drives
- Buyers are vetted and credit checked - Payment guaranteed
- Facilitation of paperwork and handover of the vehicle
“AA Autobay as part of the trusted motoring expert group, the Automobile Association, also offers AA Insurance and AA Finance options to approved buyers.
“We have seen an increase in demand for used cars on the website and we have experienced phenomenal growth from inception, and are confident that our secure and hassle-free service will continue to attract consumers,” concludes Gassner.
AA Autobay has 13 branches nationwide. Visit www.aaautobay.co.za or contact the sales centre on 086 1 22 22 29 to find out more.
Contact Information:
AA Autobay
Tania Steenkamp
Tel: +27 11 277 0000
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.