Free flight for a 1-night stand with the pilot?
Submitted by: Karen30 July 2013, Cape Town -- Men's interest in trading one night stands with pilots for free flights declines dramatically with age - men under the age of 31 are the most interested demographic (40% of them are keen), compared to only 21% of men aged 31 to 60, and only 9% of men over the age of 60. This contrasts with only only 6% of females being willing to trade an evening with a pilot for a free flight, and the percentage being fairly constant for females across age groups (7% of females younger than 31, 5% of females aged from 31 to 60, and 7% of females older than 60).
Arts and Culture Minister Paul Mashatile said "We must use Moral Regeneration Month and beyond as a time of national reflection". SouthAfrica.TO's contribution is publishing this survey of 1608 South Africans' opinions on a question of morality, asking participants whether they'd be willing to have a one-night stand with a pilot in exchange for a free flight. This survey can be redone annually to assess how the country's opinion on the issue has changed.
Ninety percent of South Africans are against this, and many are repulsed by the thought of it, citing the fact that they're married, their fear of God, their Christian beliefs and their fear of disease such as HIV. "I'm a Christian and Married! Otherwise I would have", said a respondent.
Many respondents qualified their answer saying that given the right circumstances they would go for it, the most common requirements being that the pilot be of the opposite gender and attractive, with one gentleman replying that he'd require his wife's permission too : "Although the pilot must be female and pretty and my wife must approve too". Some would only do it if it were an overseas flight, and others felt one free flight was not enough, but for more they'd go for it.
South Africans gradually become more and more averse to trading a 1 night stand with a pilot for a free flight as they get older, with the percentage declining from 16% under the age of 31 to 5% over the age of 70. This is in line with the many responses where people listed their (old) age as being an obstacle : "I don't think he would like a One Night stand with ME! Sadly I am too old now." said one person.
And if you're a pilot looking for a one-night stand it's best to avoid the Free State & North-West Provinces where 0% of respondents would be willing - rather maximise your chances by spend your time in Mpumalanga where 13% are interested or the Western Cape (12%).
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