Cash Motor Warranties Offer Better Value Than Monthly Plans
Submitted by: Pierre TheronPierre Theron, has released a statement in support of cash motor warranties as a better alternative to monthly plans. In his statement, Theron highlighted the numerous advantages of cash motor warranties, including lower overall costs, and far better value for money.
According to Theron, one of the main benefits of cash motor warranties the better value for money that cash motor warranties offer. While monthly plans may appear to be more affordable, they do not offer the same level of cover that the lump sum does. The reason is rather simple: With a monthly plan the insurer runs a far higher risk of a claim being submitted and then payments being cancelled. This hurts the insurer and damages their ability to offer higher cover. With a cash plan, the cover is far higher on overall and individual components of the motor car. See real examples here:
Theron also emphasized the lower overall cost. Whilst it can be a bit difficult to absorb this initial lump sum, you are covered for a period of 2 years and therefore you need to consider the lump sum divided by 24. Monthly plans, which require ongoing payments, can be more expensive in the long run compared to upfront cash payments. This is because monthly plans usually come with additional bank fees, which can add up in the long term. If you were to take the monthly cost of a warranty plan, and multiply it by 24, and add your banking fees, you would end up with a far higher total cost. With cash motor warranties, customers can avoid these additional costs and enjoy significant savings.
With cash warranty plans, customers can enjoy greater peace of mind, knowing that they are fully protected against a wider range of potential issues.
In conclusion, Pierre Theron believes that cash motor warranties offer a superior alternative to monthly plans. With their lower costs, higher cover, and fewer exclusions, cash motor warranties provide customers with a more comprehensive and robust level of coverage that is better suited to their individual needs.
About Pierre Theron
Pierre Theron is an online automotive expert with over 12 years of experience in the industry. He has worked at Auto Agent with numerous clients to help them find the best solutions for their vehicle needs, including sales, insurance, and warranties. For more information, or to schedule an interview with Pierre Theron, please visit