20 June 2007
SA consumers get raw deal from pay-as-you-go cellphones
Submitted by: Bigtime Airtime{pp}It seems that SA’s cellphone consumers are voicing their anger at paying through the nose when it comes to pay-as-you-go cellphone charges. The vast majority of cellphone users in South Africa pay upfront for their calls using the various voucher systems available from the various networks. The minority of cellphone users who are on ‘contract’ are benefiting from reduced rates that are being subsidised by the inflated rates charged by the networks to their pay-as-you-go consumers.
“We are receiving emails about this from consumers who are simply fed up with paying exorbitant pay-as-you-go fees,” says William Mellor CEO of Big Time Airtime. “This appears on the face of it to be grossly unfair, and after researching in some detail it is just that, unfair. Why are the consumers that can least afford to pay being subjected to inflated charges, yet are less of a financial risk to the networks than their contracted clients?”.Paying upfront usually results in discounts or extras for consumers in other industries, yet in the pay-as-you-go cellphone market, they are penalised. In stark contrast with a contract client whose cellphone provider will reward him with calls and sms’s that are in some cases 50% cheaper than pay-as-you-go rates plus an array of other attractive extras.Using the same logic, if one purchases a car with cash; you should not expect a discount. If you choose to pay by 60 monthly instalments however, you could get up to a 50% discount. Patently untrue, yet this is the logic of South Africa’s cellphone networks.The South African cellphone consumer can no longer be viewed as someone who will pay whatever is demanded in order to use a cellphone and network providers should rethink their costings appropriately.“We at www.bigtimeairtime.co.za are the largest and most secure online airtime provider in South Africa for credit card holders and, will be actively lobbying the networks in order to get them to recognise that they are charging an often poor and neglected sector of society when they should be working to uplift them,” says Mellor. “To this end and as a sign of Bigtime Airtime’s commitment to the cause, we will be selling reduced rate airtime from the month of June”, Mellor ends.Contact DetailsWilliam MellorBigtime Airtime082 563 8609will@bigtimeairtime.comwww.bigtimeairtime.com
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Published in Media and Telecommunications