16 October 2017

Media accreditation for the or Tambo centenary celebration

Submitted by: MyPressportal Team
Media accreditation for the or Tambo centenary celebration

Deadline for submission of applications is 19 October 2017 at 16h00

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, October 13, 2017/APO/ -- 

Members of the media, who wish to attend and cover the centenary celebration of Oliver Reginald Tambo that will be held on 27 October 2017 at Nkantolo village outside Mbizana in the Eastern Cape, are advised to apply for accreditation.

To apply for media accreditation, kindly complete all the fields in the online registration form on the link: http://www.GCIS.gov.za/Content/Media-Registration.

Deadline for submission of applications is 19 October 2017 at 16h00.

The celebrations will be used to draw lessons from Tambo’s life and acknowledge the sacrifices and contributions he made towards a free, non-racial and democratic South Africa. The centenary celebrations will take place under the theme “Life and Legacy of OR Tambo”.

Details for collection of accreditation cards will be communicated in due course. 

Distributed by APO on behalf of Republic of South Africa: Department of Government Communication and Information.

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