20 June 2007

Free overseas calls challenges vulnerable Telkom head-on

Submitted by: Skaap
{pp}Full page adverts in national papers by disgruntled Telkom customers will do little to quell the surge in costs of calls for South Africans. Skaap, however, South Africa’s ‘new’ premier discount call provider has once again thrown down the gauntlet to the National Operator.
On the back of a hugely successful free overseas call campaign over the Christmas Period and New Year, they continue to chase down their competition with a ‘Valentines Day’ special, where free Skaap calls to UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and USA landlines, will be available for all existing Skaap users and new registrations.Skaap, whose website, www.skaap.com, has recently been totally revamped, have been in the forefront of the fight to provide a good service at an affordable price.“For an initial setup cost of R50, newly registered users will be able to call key destinations for the cost of a local call from the 13th – 15th of February 2007. Existing users will of course automatically be able to benefit from this campaign”, says Skaap Managing Director Brett Magrath.“I feel that Telkom have held their customers to ransom for far too long”, says Magrath, “reducing their ADSL rental prices by 24% is commendable, but is it too late. We have made the business decision to start out by keeping our costs low, and in this case, even free. That’s a tough one for anyone to compete with”.Valentines Day will certainly be special this year for couples separated by borders or oceans, no wonder the skaapies are rejoicing.Contact DetailsBrett MagrathSkaap021 762 9630brett@skaap.comwww.skaap.com
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