22 May 2018


Submitted by: Coral

Access guarding in refrigerated applications can pose challenges if the sensing solution selected is not fit-for-purpose. Factors such as temperature range and ambient temperature need to be taken into account.

Countapulse Controls, the official distributor of Leuze sensing solution, offers a safety light curtain specifically engineered to cope with low temperature ranges. The Leuze MLC 500 series safety light curtain is particularly suited for use in refrigerated areas including cold storage facilities where ambient temperatures can be as low as minus 30°C.

The safety light curtains’ design is robust and compact making it suitable for installation in confined areas and those where forklifts or wheeled materials handling equipment is being used.  When coupled with Leuze’s Smart Process Gating technology, this safety light curtain offers a reliable system design which completely eliminates the need for signalling sensors. This makes the access guarding system simpler not only to install but also to operate, and costs associated with maintenance and servicing are also reduced.  

Configuration and installation of the Leuze MLC safety light curtains is easy and can be done without PC. Models are available with resolutions from 14 to 90 mm and protective field lengths from 300 mm to 3 000 mm. 

Countapulse Controls is able to offer a wide range of sensing solutions for a myriad of applications not only within the food and beverage sector, but across a wide spectrum of industries.

Total Words: 240

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