17 March 2017

A million expected at gathering for change in SA Largest day of prayer in SA history

Submitted by: Merentia
A million expected at gathering for change in SA Largest day of prayer in SA history

“After 22 April, South Africa will be a changed country,” says Angus Buchan. He is referring to the “It’s time” gathering that will take place on a farm 4 km outside Bloemfontein and is expected to draw a crowd of over a million South Africans.

All indications are that this will be the largest day of prayer in the history of South Africa.

“The day of prayer is intended for all South Africans of all genders, races and denominations who are concerned about the malice, hatred, violence, murder and corruption in the country,” says Buchan.  He says it is time to stop pointing fingers, disparaging and insulting, and to acknowledge that we are all to blame in some or other way and should embrace one another in Christ.   “It’s time to suit the action to the word. We declare war on the disregard for human life and unkindness. On 22 April, we will be drawing a line in the sand.”

The seed for the gathering was planted when a Whatsapp video did the rounds with a desperate outcry for Buchan or any other spiritual leader in South Africa to intervene and arrange such an event. When Buchan replied by posting a video on social media, he received 1,8 million responses within hours.   Meanwhile, preparations on the farm Wilde Als outside Bloemfontein to accommodate a million people are under way.   It will be a day event from 10:00 to16:00 on Saturday 22 April. Only toilet facilities will be provided. All those attending must be self-sufficient with their own food and water. Tent and caravan stands will however be provided on neighbouring farms for people who wish to arrive the previous day. Thousands are expected to be accommodated in the guesthouses and on the guest farms in the Bloemfontein area.

Buchan appeals: “22 April will be a day much talked about by generations to come. Be part of the future and come and join us in prayer.”    

For any further information, visit www.angusbuchan.co.za    

(For media enquiries: Merentia van der Vent merentia@104fm.co.za and/or newsmerentia@gmail.com)  

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