16 March 2021

Learners licence test papers

Submitted by: Cynthia Rambarly
Learners licence test papers

Learners licence test papers is what ever student needs when preparing for their exams. It is now important than ever to get your drivers licence as plenty of opportunities requires travelling.

How does it work?

This exam varies from testing station to testing station, in some cases a This exam varies from testing station to testing station, in some cases, a learner might not be computer literate but can use a multiple questions test. South African Learners Testing uses a system called K53.

South Africa Learners licence test papers pdf download is available to all for use so be free to download K53 Learners Test questions and answers for PC or pencil. Please note that both Code 8 and Code 10 students learn the same road signs, its only the controls and parking that differs a little.

Click here to download.

Total Words: 141
Published in Science and Education