Bachelor of Human Resource Management online course at UJ
Submitted by: PR South AfricaBachelor of Human Resource Management online course at UJ: The purpose of the Bachelor of Human Resource Management (HRM) is to equip you with an in-depth grounding in Human Resource Management (HRM) knowledge, theory, principles and skills so that you can contribute to the multifunctional, multinational public and business sectors, confidently executing analytical, interpretive, strategic and integrative skills.
The exit learning outcomes of the programme are aligned with the requirements of NQF Level 7 and you are required to apply theoretical knowledge to complex problems and to present such application as a well-structured argument using academic discourse.
The Bachelor of Human Resource Management will empower you with a set of skills, values, attitudes and knowledge to enable you to:
- Contribute to the development, growth, competitiveness and sustainability of organisational assets including employees, teams and associated communities.
- Formulate, plan, strategise, execute, measure and improve HRM and business processes, practices, systems and solutions.
- Partner, learn from and collaborate with national, regional and global HRM and business stakeholders to improve the performance of human capital via talent development.
- Apply innovation and technology to implement and improve HRM and business systems, policy, procedure and best practices.
- Comply with good governance, strong ethics and quality performance standards when implementing, managing and improving HRM and business practices.
Admission requirements
The admission requirements for this programme will adhere to the University of Johannesburg’s Admission and Selection Policy which is current at the time of the registration for this programme.
A Senior Certificate or a National Senior Certificate that meets the specific admission criteria noted below.
For non-South African students a school leaving certificate that meets the specific admission criteria noted below.
A minimum Admissions Point Score (APS) of 28 is required for admission into this degree with Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, with the following specifications:
- English with an APS of 4
- Maths with an APS of 4
- Mathematical Literacy with a D symbol (APS=4);
Students with a relevant HRM or related National Certificate or Diploma may also gain access to this degree.
How to calculate an Admission Point Score (APS): Click here
Required documentation:
- A certified academic record and a certified copy of highest qualification obtained.
The international equivalence of qualifications will be specified in the Prospectus.
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Technical requirements
We recommend the following in order to successfully complete your 100% online degree:
Basic computer skills:
- Be able to operate your computer and perform common tasks.
- Email and file management (access, create, edit, save, upload and download documents).
- Be able to use a word processing program to create and edit documents.
- Basic web-browsing skills.
Computer requirements:
- Laptop or PC
- A high-speed internet connection (3G, 4G, LTE, ADSL or Fibre)
- E-book storage and reading
- Study notes storage and reading (PDF, MS Office)
- Video storage and playback
- Video recording
- Audio storage and playback
- Audio recording
- Web browsing
- Document creation
- Access to social networking
Module interruption and scheduled maintenance:
In the event of unexpected module interruption on the due date for an activity, the online facilitator will notify students of a new due date.
Modules & credits
The programme is split over four years and 8 months. Modules are undertaken over a seven-week period.
Compulsory modules – 374 Credits
Human Resource Management 1A (12 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to introduce the student to the field, profession and practices of the Human Resources Practitioner within the context of the HR value chain: HR planning, recruitment, selection, appointment, performance management, performance development, organisational development, remuneration, employee relations, wellness, information systems and retention strategy. Explore people management best practices to align the HR value chain to the Line Manager functions ensuring fairness, accountability, responsibility and transparency. Students focus on the HR arena in the business, private and public sectors within the local, national and international marketplace.
Industrial Psychology 1BA (8 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to allow for a basic awareness and understanding of the contributions of Industrial Psychology in the establishment of effective human-machine system interactions. The student will be able to define ergonomics, describe the historical development of ergonomics as well as the focus and objectives of ergonomics, discuss the role of the ergonomist, apply the advantages of ergonomics, and apply ergonomics to specific user populations. The student will know the basics regarding human abilities and limitations that can influence human reliability in systems operations.
Industrial Psychology 1BB (8 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to provide students with basic knowledge and understanding of the scientific literature regarding consumer psychology. Students need to identify, describe and contextualise theoretical knowledge and concepts related to consumer psychology in order to understand its basic nature and practical implications. The students will be able to explain consumer psychology within the framework of Industrial Psychology, to explain and criticise the intra-psychic domain of consumer behaviour used by marketers to influence and stimulate consumers’ behaviour into buying products/services, and to illustrate its practical implications so as to contextualise the contemporary consumer.
Industrial Psychology 1AA (8 Credits)
The main focus for this module is to provide the student with an overview and an introduction to Industrial Psychology. The module will focus on the traditions of basic Psychology (Psychology schools of thought). The module will examine the relationship between basic Psychology and Industrial Psychology. The student will be provided with a basic knowledge and understanding of Industrial Psychology concepts as related to the biological basis of behaviour, research methodology, human development and personality and values.
Business Management 1A (12 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to provide the student with knowledge and understanding of management as a science and study objective, the business environment, and its interactive sub-environment. Furthermore students will be provided with a global overview of General Management as a management function and prepare them for challenges in the South African business environment in a multicultural context. The purpose of this module is to provide the student with intellectual competencies, practical skills and an understanding of General Management based on historical and modern approaches as well as the management tasks, namely planning, organising, leading and controlling.
Information Management 1AA (8 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of data and information as a science and a study field. This module will cover data and information science and management, the different phases in the information life cycle, the different types of information sources, and will explore personal databases.
Mathematics: Finance & Business 1A (12 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to give students a proper foundation in important Mathematical skills needed to pursue studies in Accounting, Business, Finance and Economics. Students are taught various topics in fundamental Algebra and Graphs with direct applications in the relevant fields.
Industrial Psychology 1AB (8 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to understand and specify the topics covered in the field of Industrial Psychology. The main topics to be covered include diversity, attitude and job satisfaction, emotions and moods, perceptions and individual decision making and social processes for development perception, and motivation. Students need to identify, describe and distinguish concepts and theories applicable to the scientific field of Industrial Psychology, acquiring a basic understanding of the nature of problems experienced in organisations.
Information Management 1AB (8 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of online information resources. This module will cover South African Information Acts, the Internet and Web as information infrastructure, natural search strategies and how to evaluate content found in the online environment.
Human Resource Management 1B (12 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to empower students to practice fair, valid and reliable recruitment, selection, remuneration, rewards, appointments and orientation processes when engaging with line managers, which will enable them to contract the right people for the right jobs to achieve organisational strategic goals. This module also ensures that the student is capable of producing legislation, policy and procedures (Conditions of Service), processes, monitoring, evaluation, effective communication, quality and records of high standards.
Business Management 1B (12 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to develop the students’ fundamental theoretical academic knowledge of how to gather, integrate and disseminate information which can be used to provide them with a global overview of management functions and prepare them for challenges in the South African business environment in a multicultural context. This module will also further develop the students’ fundamental academic knowledge, intellectual competencies, and practical skills on how to apply and disseminate the functional areas of a business. Marketing Management, Logistics and Supply Management, Operational Management, Information Management, Financial Management, Human Resource Management and External Communications is covered in detail.
Mathematics: Finance & Business 1B (12 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to give students a proper foundation in important Mathematical skills needed to pursue studies in Accounting, Business, Finance and Economics. Students are taught various topics in fundamental Algebra and Graphs with direct applications in the relevant fields.
Introductory Labour Law (16 Credits)
Upon completion of this module, students will have the basic competence and the basic practical skills that will enable them to apply the substantive law formally in practical situations. A student who has successfully completed this module will have sufficient knowledge to be able to identify and classify basic labour law disputes. The student will gain a general insight into substantive law as contained in common law, individual service contracts and collective labour law as contained in legislation.
Human Resource Management 2A (12 Credits)
This module enables students to gain the skills and competencies that empower line managers to manage the performance and development of employees. Students learn to understand the HR business partner, HRD practitioner and line manager roles in employee performance development and improvement within the context of established performance management and HRD theories, systems, models and frameworks. This module also covers the alignment of employee performance and development to talent management, succession planning, career paths and promotions.
Human Resource Management 2B (12 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to enable students to promote effective and efficient employee relations, wellness and safety within the workplace as per legislative requirements (BCOE; LRA; EEA; OSHA; etc.). Using multiple case studies, actual workplace observations and investigations, students are taught to understand the role of collective bargaining councils, unions, peer educator programmes and risk management in maintaining and sustaining employee engagement, diversity integration and improved individual and team performance.
Analytical Techniques A (15 Credits)
This module aims to develop a basic ability to define terms commonly used in Statistics, to show how a set of data can be organised in a meaningful way and presented to reveal or enhance its fundamental properties. Students will also be able to measure and model the linear relationship between two variables. A student credited with this module will have developed a basic ability to analyse a time series, understand and implement the basic concepts of probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions and elementary matrix operations.
Industrial Psychology 2A (16 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to provide students with an introduction to study the field of Organisation Behaviour. Students are equipped with the intellectual competencies for acquiring and understanding knowledge about behaviour on an individual, group and organisational level. Students need to identify, describe, distinguish, apply and analyse concepts and theories related to the scientific field of organisational psychology, allowing a thorough understanding of the nature of problems experienced within organisations and options for addressing these problems.
Industrial Psychology 2B (16 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to introduce students to research methods and psychological assessment in Industrial Psychology.
Business Management 2A (16 Credits)
The aim of this module is to develop an understanding of the interrelationship between the various value-creating activities in an organisation through the learning, knowing, understanding and application of theory, standards and principles. The important departure point will be an introduction to the systems approach, after which will follow a thorough identification and interpretation of operations and strategy. Project management in operations will also be discussed, including the concepts, principles and standards.
Business Management 2B (16 Credits)
This purpose of this module is to develop the students’ fundamental theoretical academic knowledge of how to gather, integrate and disseminate information which can be used to provide them with an insight into Contemporary Management Aspects. This will include a thorough understanding of Change Management and the effect thereof. Creativity and Innovation will prepare the student for an entrepreneurial impact and prepare them for challenges in the South African business environment in a multicultural context. This module will also develop the students’ fundamental academic knowledge, intellectual competencies, and practical skills of how to apply and disseminate Risk Management, and introduce Globalisation and the International Markets.
Analytical Techniques B (15 Credits)
This module aims to develop a basic understanding of inferential statistics and the ability to apply the methodology to a variety of business-oriented problems. This module is also intended to equip students with mathematical skills involving the differential and integral calculus and the optimisation of functions subject to constraints, and to apply these to understand modern theories about the functioning of the economy.
Industrial Psychology 3A (16 Credits)
The first part of the module will provide students with the ability to understand and describe the field of Personnel Psychology. Core aspects of the course include research methods in Personnel Psychology, the changing nature of work, standards of effective personnel decision-making, psychological assessments in recruitment and selection, and aspects of fairness in the South African labour and legislative context. The second part of the module will provide students with the ability to understand and describe the field of Career Psychology. Academic content related to individual career-planning processes, life and career phases, contemporary career issues, the integration of career management principles with HR systems, and industrial mental health is covered.
Industrial Psychology 3B (16 Credits)
This module will provide students with the intellectual competencies required to identify, examine and apply ethical principles which will enable them to comprehend their professional ethical obligation as it applies to the field of Industrial Psychology. This module will also provide students with applied competencies in Industrial Psychology in order to examine, apply and analyse the relevance of the field within organisations. This module allows for a comprehensive understanding of ethical principles within organisations as well as the practical application of Industrial Psychology.
Business Management 3A (16 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to provide the learner with knowledge, interpretation, analysis and an understanding of strategic management as a long-term management process, focusing on the strategic management planning process while considering the organisational vision and mission. This includes all the internal and external inputs, the formulation, interpretation and application of the appropriate strategies, and the implementation and institutionalisation of the selected strategies.
Business Management 3B (16 Credits)
The purpose of the module is to develop academic students who can demonstrate a focused knowledge base, theory, interpretation, and practical skills of international management by remembering, understanding, applying and analysing the unique concepts of international management in terms of a global business environment.
Project Management (16 Credits)
This module provides the learner with a wide range of theoretical and some practical knowledge in the field of project management.
Knowledge Economy (16 Credits)
The purpose of this module is to provide the student with the necessary knowledge to identify the characteristics of a knowledge economy. The student will have a comprehensive understanding of intellectual capital as a key commodity in a knowledge economy and will be able to describe the importance of knowledge-intensive activities in wealth creation; show cognisance of the problems, issues and opportunities of developing countries moving towards a knowledge economy; and differentiate between the specific characteristics and skills necessary to contribute to the workplace in the knowledge economy. Students are equipped with research skills through report writing regarding these aspects.
Human Resource Management 3A (12 Credits)
Graduates are equipped with the technological skills and acumen to effectively and efficiently manage databases of employee records. Students use HR analytics and metrics to capture, store and report on a variety of datasets within the HR value chain, thereby affirming HR as a professional strategic player in organisational development. Specialised skills and strategies are used to improve the efficiency of HR information systems (HRIS).
Human Resource Management 3B (12 Credits)
The purpose of this modules is to expose students to observations, research, learning and data gathering during the simulated, integrated HR project. To graduate, students must gain “Competent” status for their team simulation + individual POE + individual presentation.
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