19 March 2024

Webber Wentzel Co-Hosts Prestigious Johannesburg Arbitration Week

Submitted by: Teresa Settas

Leading South African law firm, Webber Wentzel, is proud to announce its co-hosting role for the upcoming Johannesburg Arbitration Week (JAW), taking place from 9 to 11 April 2024. This prestigious event, organised by the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa (AFSA), is a flagstone event for international commercial arbitration in Africa.

Webber Wentzel's co-hosting role underscores the firm's longstanding commitment to promoting arbitration as the preferred method of dispute resolution across the continent. Webber Wentzel actively champions the development and advancement of arbitration practices in Africa. 

JAW will serve as a vital platform for fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing within the international arbitration community. This year's event will focus on key initiatives transforming dispute resolution in Africa. 

Webber Wentzel will actively participate in JAW, showcasing its expertise through various sessions. Experts Erin Warmington, as moderator, with Vlad Movshovich, Meluleki Nzimande, Judge Unterhalter and Johann Human as panellists, will share insights in a plenary session exploring the role of dispute resolution in African trade and investment under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Additionally, Nick Alp, as moderator, and Sarah McKenzie, with Toby Landau KC, Matthew Weiniger KC, and Dr. Fola Adeleke as panellists, will lead a breakaway session delving into International Treaty Arbitration, ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) and associated reforms, from a continental perspective.

Through these sessions, Webber Wentzel will solidify its position as a thought leader in the field of African arbitration.

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Attached the press release & media information pack for your perusal.

For any media enquiries, please email me @ nadine@tscomms.co.za.

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