UCT and GetSmarter launch cutting edge new labour law service
Submitted by: RichUCT's Faculty of Law together with GetSmarter, have announced the launch of a game-changing new online community, the UCT (Law@Work) Labour Law Club. The community will feature the latest employment relations news, weekly video tutorials and a modern discussion platform to interact with experts involved in labour law.
“It's a platform aimed at HR personnel, managers, supervisors, business owners, CEOs - anyone dealing with employment issues and labour relations in the workplace“ says Sam Paddock, a Director at GetSmarter. “We've grown our understanding of high-touch education and implemented it into the office environment. Members get access to a discussion platform that offers same-day answers to their questions, alongside some other cutting edge site features." The online community further serves as an online training platform and an impressive wealth of employment relations documents and articles. Members receive two newsletters each week detailing changes in the labour law landscape, and a weekly video tutorial personally filmed by the club's expert. "The Labour Law Club aims to take personalised HR support to a whole new level" Paddock continued. “And its the most cost-effective service of its kind currently on the market. We've checked.” Besides a databank of case law, articles and course notes members can also find templates ranging from specific employment contracts to freelance agreements to disciplinary notices. Everything is intuitively linked and easily navigable, meaning the coaching experience will fit seamlessly around your work schedule. The Club's benefits are best summed up by a Club member Peter Morgan, who was one of the first to join: "I am now realising the power of this club, you just saved me hours of work and prevented me from making some silly mistakes."
To sign up or to hear more about the Labour Law Club contact Rich on 021 447 1509 or at rich@labourlawclub.co.za