Rescued Spanish greyhound character in Spanish children’s picture book hopes to cultivate new attitudes towards hunting dogs
Submitted by: Natalie KnoxNatalie Knox, an award-winning children’s author, is happy to announce the release of ‘Bonito el Héroe’, the Spanish edition of her picture book which is aimed at children aged 4 to 7 (and dog lovers with a soft spot for a rescue).
Natalie Knox is a dog-loving children’s author who lives in southern Spain. The Spanish edition of her picture book ‘Bonito el Héroe’ launches on 20th April 2024. It is close to home and has a big message: it casts a rescued Spanish greyhound as it’s brave protagonist that saves the day due to his past life as a hunting dog. Spain has a long history of hunting and hare coursing with greyhounds. The cruel disposal of these dogs at the end of hunting season is sadly a common occurrence. Natalie Knox wrote and illustrated this book to raise awareness and cultivate empathy for animals in an endeavour to bring much-needed change through the next generation.
“Childhood is the soil in which we plant the roots of empathy for our fellow humans as well as the other creatures we share our planet with,” says Natalie Knox. “I believe stories give us insight into another life and help us understand realities different from our own. They also give us opportunity to talk about how this makes us feel and explore our thoughts. Sharing moments like this with children when reading a picture book can be impactful and increase their empathy. My hope would be that Bonito’s story would bring a deeper appreciation for rescued dogs, and especially for galgos in Spain.”
Natalie Knox is an award-winning children’s author and newly titled illustrator. She loves her life in Spain and when not at her desk, she’s pottering in her garden or exploring the countryside with her rather handsome galgo. Her previous works include ‘The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily’ collection.
Bonito the Hero says “I’m trim, I’m slim, I’m built for speed. I’ll dash and flash when off the lead.” In Spanish he says, “Puedo ser muy veloz, con mi figura esbelta. Y saldré volando si Pedro me suelta.” On Fireworks night all the neighbourhood dogs are terrified. Bonito, the Spanish greyhound, doesn’t mind the loud bangs. They remind him of his old life with the hunters. When a puppy bolts in fright, Bonito springs to the rescue. Can his speed and bravery save the day?
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‘Bonito el Héroe’ can be purchased at most book retailers in store or online.