31 July 2018

Bluesky Skips

Submitted by: Justin
Bluesky Skips

If you’re looking for an easy, efficient and eco-friendly way of removing rubble, waste, or any form of materials that you no longer need, then look no further than the 33m3 containers at Bluesky Skips!

They specialise in the safe and clean removal of any unwanted materials, in a timeous and professional manner, and can carry up to 5tonnes per load. Bluesky Skips offer their removal services on a once off basis, as well as a longer, contractual one. Any project can be altered to fit your personal or business needs.

Not only do they provide removal services, but they cater to your container storage needs too- for short and long term use. They are sealed tight and waterproof- so are durable under all weather conditions.

Bluesky Skips are made from discarded containers that are no longer functional. Rather than scrapping them, they refurbish them, paint them blue and convert them into fully efficient skips, to use at your service!

For any enquiries, or to get a personal quote, call Justin on 082 740 9195. Visit their Instagram account too, to keep up to date on all things @blueskyskips

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