19 April 2022

Winter bed and mattress price freeze

Submitted by: Travis Chipps

Winter bed sale starts earlier this year

The bed guy is starting the winter price freeze right now.

Due to major increases in the world markets realiting to petro chemical industries (including foam manufacturers) most, if not all bed retailers will be having a sharp increase in their bed prices. The bed guy will not be one of those retailers.

We understand that there is so much pressure being put onto people in South Africa with these huge petrol price increases. These increases effect all of the things that we need and it takes more money out of our pockets. So we have decided not to increase our prices in line with everyone else but rather to keep our prices frozen for the duration of the winter season in the hope that we can provide some relief from the hard times.

We have a large range of beds for sale but you can also check out our mattress sale if you just need to buy the mattress only.

We are based in Midrand which allows us to service the whole of Gauteng with ease. We carry all of the standard South African sizes and have all of the latest technologies availabe.


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