13 March 2013

Gemalto launches new mobile wallet application

Submitted by: Kerry Botha

Latest addition to its software portfolio enables rapid deployment of NFC, payment, banking and value added services

Johannesburg, March 13, 2013 - Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, has launched its LinqUs™ Mobile Wallet – the complete suite of secure software solutions that enables a range of NFC services, mobile banking, mobile payment and loyalty programs, all integrated in a single wallet. The new LinqUs Mobile Wallet is being showcased at the Cards Africa conference this week.  The wallet extends Gemalto’s software offering and is fully integrated with the broader portfolio of mobile financial services (MFS) solutions. It enables financial service providers and retailers to rapidly deploy a breadth of services that can be customized to their specific needs.

Gemalto’s LinqUs Mobile Wallet solution includes a secure application framework, a dedicated mobile wallet server, and connectivity with Gemalto’s secure platforms for TSM (Trusted Service Management) and mobile payment. 

Designed to optimize convenience for end users, consumers can link to existing accounts and cards, or set up new services easily. They can confidently conduct all their banking activities straight from their smartphone, along with transportation, ticketing and access applications. In addition, the wallet also incorporates loyalty and couponing programs for consumers and enables targeted mobile marketing campaigns.

Gemalto’s backend platforms are pre-integrated with the mobile wallet, creating the ideal environment for swift adoption by service providers. With over 70 deployments of Mobile Financial Services solutions worldwide, LinqUs Mobile Wallet provides best-in-class security in mobile payment deployments. Furthermore, it is proactively tested on leading smartphone models and with a range of NFC secure elements to ensure ‘out of the box’ operability and minimize testing costs.

“Interest in mobile financial services is accelerating due to the convenience and added user-engagement that they provide,” said Jean-Claude Deturche, Gemalto Senior Vice President, Mobile Financial Services. “By offering a rich suite of front-end mobile applications, through which end users can access the services delivered by our powerful servers, the Mobile Wallet sets new standards in terms of choice, flexibility and freedom to tailor solutions to individual requirements.”

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