11 February 2008

Why houses don't sell

Submitted by: Jaco Viljoen

{pp}Have you ever wondered why some properties sell within days and others never sell??

There are many reasons but in my opinion the following 3 are the most important reasons.

1. Over Priced

2. Bad Condition

3. Wrong Agent or worse NO agent

My Solution to you: Pricing is without a doubt the single most important factor

We at JK Properties always stress the importance of correct pricing under any market conditions. (Our asking price is determined through a CMA of available and sold properties in your area.)

Condition of the property Condition of the property, and the first impression it makes on the buyer is equally important. This is the time when spending a little more money on making your property look better will go a long way. Gone are the days when buyers had to see past dirty bathrooms and kitchens, stained and torn carpeting. Now they have choices, and with dozens of homes on the market they will most likely choose the house that looks the best.

Thorough cleaning, de-cluttering, a little painting if needed, organizing, rearranging of furniture, increasing the light – all of these are very important factors that may drastically increase the chances of selling your house faster and for more money.

We, at JK Properties understand the importance of staging and are ready to assist you in preparing your home for sale. We will be happy to take an objective look at your home, make suggestions, and provide you with a list of important tips to make your house stand out among others.

Choosing the right real estate agent. This is not the time to choose the real estate agent who promises you the highest price and charges the lowest commission. These are normally agents with minimum experience and they handle multiple listing areas at a time. Thus, making it impossible to dedicate the required time to your area, and to be in the know of local market conditions.

Contact Details:

Jaco Viljoen JK Properties Cell 082 712 4352 Tel 011 425 2260 Fax 086 652 0325 www.jkproperties.co.za http://jkproperties.ilocals.info

We have just started a new agency and are working harder than everyone else to find listings. If you know someone that wants to sell their home in the Benoni area please refer them to us. Thank you. Dont forget we need buyers too. To subscribe to my newsletter and receive property news updates please follow the link above and subscribe now.

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