We at Property Degree realize the importance of professional care and dedication that all organizations' in the property and lifestyle industries offer the public, this being said the public however does not have a clear view or understanding of products and service these organizations offer. "The history of free man is never written by chance but by choice - their choice" we follow these simple words as a rule in understanding that advertisers do not merely want a page of their products displayed, but would much rather have that page speak to the on lookers or better yet customers.
The magazine itself is an arson of guidance, information and of course a feeling of bliss and harmony in making the right choice, we are a tool for the public in helping them make their decisions in purchasing a new home or choosing which color paint to decorate with that much easier, we direct the public to advertisers with their services and products with monthly reviews and statements from such companies. We actively involve ourselves with the financial analyzers from the major banks writing articles for us, interior designers share stories as well as developers and architects. We review the top real estate agencies in South Africa as well as their individual top performers. We understand the publics need for products and services and also the lost misguided views they share, we simply help direct them to the appropriate choice.
The format it self boasts a chique and trendy feel which will lead to a comfortable and entertaining read. Property Degree prides itself in offering the public a more personal feeling when making any choice, whether it be the purchasing of a new home or decorating the house, we give the most correct and insightful information made possible.
Property Degree has a print run of 18 000 copies in Gauteng with 70% being delivered to a carefully chosen audience such as; Real Estate Agents, Architects, Developers, Law Firms, Major Banks, Coffee Shops and Hotels. The remainder of our print is sold through retail outlets such as Exclusive Books, Woolworths and CNA. Our LSM 6 - 10 with the ages of 25 - 50.
Contact Details: For more information contact: Jean - Pierre Jacobs jean@mediabase.co.za 011 675 0310