19 July 2007

New Mall designed to discourage unwelcome mall rats

Submitted by: Realcor Cape
{pp}Mall rats – especially the teenage or criminal variety, not forgetting the four-legged verminous version – are not, in any of those forms, welcome visitors for shopping centre managers throughout the country. But Marsh Rose Mall - a brand new 6700sq.m. mall under construction near Grabouw in the Western Cape – hopes to keep all three varieties at bay. By design.
Marsh Rose Mall – named after a rare fynbos species found only in the Elgin mountains – is being developed by local company Realcor Cape on a site opposite the Orchard Farmstall, adjacent to the N2 en route to the whales and beaches of Hermanus and the Southern Cape. It is set to open for business in November 2007.Malls have a mixed reputation. Some are functional, majoring on convenience with large supermarkets and ample parking. Others seek to attract a more glamorous crowd. Some manage to combine both. But all face the challenge of providing a positive and secure shopping experience for their customers. Urban centres such as Cavendish Square – and certain malls in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal – have been dogged by a range of security issues. According to reports on news site Independent online (iol) earlier this year, mobs of teenage mall rats at Cavendish Square went “on the rampage” – fuelled by alcohol and drugs to behave in a wide variety of anti-social ways, including having sex in public.Other criminals have increasingly targeted cash management transactions or high value stores such as jewellers. Hence the recent shopping centre security initiative funded by Business Against Crime (BAC) and the South African Council of Shopping Centres (SACSC), together with a number of other retail role-players. This project, headed by crime research expert Jenni Irish-Qhobosheane, is now in operation across the country – and Marsh Rose Mall will absolutely subscribe to its guidelines.However, at Marsh Rose Mall, the risks of anti-social or criminal behaviour have been minimised from the start. According to Danie Kotze, Realcor Head of Marketing, Marsh Rose Mall has been designed specifically to discourage problems of this nature. “There will be little to attract teenagers to loiter with any sort of intent at Marsh Rose Mall: there will not be a cinema and the design of the mall, being piazza style, with most shops bordering walkways or public outdoor areas, discourages people from loitering. There will be no long passageways or dark corners – and all toilets entrances will be visible from the central food court. However, there will, of course, be a 24 hour security presence on site, as well as parking management and ample lighting at night. And, in the unlikely event that we should need them, the local police are less than a kilometre down the road as well.”In addition to servicing the local community, it is expected that a large proportion of the custom for Marsh Rose Mall will be weekenders and holidaymakers: with 16,000 cars a day passing along the N2 at this point, the opportunities for passing trade are substantial.Another factor that Realcor hopes will protect the interests of the Mall locally will be its commitment to local community development, which is sorely needed. So it is that Marsh Rose Mall is very much geared to serving the growing communities around Grabouw, some of which are within walking distance. Uniquely, for those locals living a little further away, Marsh Rose Mall is seriously considering offering a welcome bonus - a shuttle bus service for local shoppers. Should this be the case, the service is believed to be a first in retail mall developments in this country and should ensure a loyal and consistent local following.The anchor tenant at Marsh Rose Mall will be Spar in the form of a 2200sq.m. SuperSpar supermarket, complete with Tops liquor store, supported by a range of nearly 30 shops and restaurants that will appeal to locals and tourists alike. From art & crafts to clothing, from pet shops to bottle stores, from fashion to food and wine – there will really be something for everyone.Kotze concludes: “We’re confident the Grabouw area will benefit greatly from this exciting project. We believe Marsh Rose Mall will absolutely attract consistent local trade, as well as regular visitors from outside the area. The combination of both should equate to a lucrative retail opportunity for tenants, all year round – an opportunity that we intend to make as safe and secure as possible.”Contact Details:Danie KotzeRealcor Cape021 851 8133daniek@realcorcape.co.zawww.realcorcape.co.za
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