The launch of this venture is well timed due to the convergence of a number of factors, chief amongst these being;
• the expected further increase in our allowance for overseas investment (currently R2 million for individuals and R4 million for a family)
• the substantial growth of real estate equity, enjoyed by South Africans in their properties
• the positive attitude towards real estate investment resulting from a sustained local boom
• a weak US Dollar and a relatively strong Rand Research by Chas Everitt’s shows potential investors are keen to investigate real estate opportunities in other countries, particularly at a time when the South African property market has shown signs of cooling.
In addition many with substantial local real estate assets are questioning the wisdom of having all their real estate investments in one country.
Property investment can not only result in a substantial return, a purchase can in some countries be a means to acquire a second residency.
CEI Overseas Properties will focus on properties that meet the needs of the particular buyer and will cater for individuals who wish to acquire a lifestyle investment (a property primarily for the use of their own family and friends) or a focused investment where rental returns and capital growth are the dominant considerations.
A well established trend in Europe, investment in a second home has been a real estate phenomenon over the last ten years, a boom that has followed the enlargement of the European Union. South Africans however, were effectively denied an early opportunity to invest in popular European markets due to the low value of the Rand, as well as legal and financial restrictions at the time, but there are ‘new’ and exciting markets that offer excellent opportunities such as Brazil, Argentina, selected Caribbean countries as well as countries in Eastern Europe.
There are also African countries that deserve attention including Egypt, Morocco and Mauritius. Mediterranean properties will be available through an exclusive partnership with one of Europe's largest specialists in the region, MASA, with opportunities in Spain, Cyprus, Italy and Turkey.
A launch function will be held on Wednesday 20th February 2008 at the Mount Nelson Hotel in Cape Town.
A useful website is already online with a growing selection of property investments and information.
Contact Details:
Contact Andre de Villiers or Maxine Ross at 021 673 1520