13 December 2007

JK Properties go online

Submitted by: Jaco Viljoen
{pp}ImageJK Properties goes online. JK Properties is officially online with a website : http://www.jkproperties.co.za

And they have also started a blog : http://jkproperties.ilocals.info/ with a free newsletter. This is to keep the residents of Benoni up to date with well just about everything that is going on in and around Benoni.Information that can be expected in the newsletter include:- Tips and tricks on how to sell faster and for more money. Up to date info of what the neighbors sold for therefore giving you a very good idea of what your property is worth.(over pricing is risky we will tell you why) - Information on places of interest like schools, shops, malls and doctors rooms etc.(with maps)- Explanations of what all the terms used by real estate agents mean.(sole mandate, AIP etc.)- Free advice(I don’t want to sell anymore what can I do now?? Etc.) - Crime statistics Much more(requests welcome) JK Properties agents all live in Benoni and are friends of the community that happen to be in the business of real estate. Knowledge is power. So empower yourself join our free no obligation Newsletter at : http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=331503 You can unsubscribe at any time. Contact Details:Tel : 011 425 2260Fax : 0866 520 325 Email : sales@jkproperties.co.za Web : http://www.jkproperties.co.za Blog : http://jkproperties.ilocals.inImagefo/ Cell : 082 712 4352 (Jaco Viljoen) Your friends in the real estate business. The JK Properties team.

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