09 March 2007

First Commercial Boat Dry Rack Boat Storage Project In South Africa

Submitted by: Stefan Maree
{pp}In the USA and Australia dry rack boat storage facilities on a commercial scale are found all around boating holiday towns, cities and in marinas. Small, medium and even large boats are stored in huge sheds with racks up to four storey high. This ensures a safe and protected storage space for the valuable boats during winter or the time that they are not being used by their owners.
Now, for the first time in South Africa, a project on commercial scale is being planned for a South African boat yard owner. Knysna is a very popular boating holiday town but have a huge scarcity of storage space for boats. In South Africa boats are mostly stored within marinas or on open ground or under roof coverage for the time when the owners can not use them. This normally takes up a vast area and boats are mostly subject to the elements like wind, rain and sun.Now with this new development, boats can be stored in covered sheds protected from wind, rain and sun. In this pilot project in Knysna, 342 boats will be stored in four storey buildings on a relative small space.Boats are handled and stacked using a specially designed and adapted forklift for the safe handling of the boats. Boats can be removed from a marina from up to 5,4m down and stacked up to 9 m high. Most boats are stacked without trailers but in this project the design also allow for the safe storage of boats with their trailers. The design also allow for easy adaptability to store cars and general storage.A project team in Knysna under the management of Stefan Maree is responsible for this pilot project. Investors from other marine towns have already shown interest in developing more commercial boat storage facilities. For more information interested parties can call Stefan Maree at Agripro, a project management company in Knysna, at 082 494 6723.Contact Details:PO Box 924 – Knysna – 6570Tel: +27(0)44 382 6184 – Fax: +27(0)44 382 6184stefan@agripro.co.zawww.boatstorageprojects.com Editors: Stefan Maree from Agripro, Knysna can be contacted for more information or to arrange an interview. Please call (044) 382 6184 or 082 494 6723, and as a service to your readers, they can visit the following website www.boatstorageprojects.com
Total Words: 466

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