21 May 2007

Dynamic Manufacturing - Not your usual Magazine Feature

Submitted by: Marc Ashton
{pp}The feature for the June print edition of ManufacturingHub.co.za is Dynamic Manufacturing. Our intention is to produce 70 pages of the most dynamic SOUTH AFRICAN people, technology and companies in the South African Manufacturing Space.
We are not looking for the usual PR pitches pitched to each industry publication with the general hit and miss approach. We want the "Life and Soul" of your business:- How did you guys succeed?- How did you develop world class technology?- How did you win world class customers?- What makes your enterprise a DYNAMIC player in the South African Manufacturing Space?There are a couple of requirements for participating in this feature:- The Editorial must be aimed specifically at the feature involved. i.e. it should be written specifically with this feature in mind- The Editorial must include photos and we're not talking the clean PR shots - if you're a scruffy engineering type then show us working in your plant. If you have a world class packaging line - SHOW IT IN ACTION- This not your ordinary PR Brief. This is your company, your people, your technology taking on the world- Every feature must include an quarter page / 1/3 page advert of some form - HOWEVER there is a catch to it. YOU as the advertiser decide HOW MUCH you believe the branding to be worth. R100, R1000, R10000. You decide and we accept. This means that your smallest company in South Africa can compete alongside the biggest advertising budgets aroundWe are going to make this issue the most phenomenal Feature on South African Manufacturing for 2007.To participate please contact Marc Ashton on 011 673-4421 or via e-mail.Contact Details:Marc AshtonTel: +27 11 673-4421 \n E-mail: marc@rival.co.za This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Web: www.manufacturinghub.co.za
Total Words: 394

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