03 August 2007

Business opportunities in the SA Property Market

Submitted by: BizAssist.co.za
{pp}There are many ways of investing in the property industry. Up until last year, pretty much any property with a front gate was a good investment. In 2007, selectivity is the name of the game, and - whilst the property market will in all probability beat the inflation index - the days of unbridled growth have more than likely come to an end.
So what sectors are available to the entrepreneur in terms of property investment? One sure thing is that the buy-to-let market for properties over R2 million has come to an end. But there are a number of forces that will propel the property investment industry this year.With its ever-growing market and increasing demand for construction, South Africa is host to a variety of property developers and construction groups. We recognise them as the new "neighbours" who bought the old house in your street, "moved in" for a few short months and transformed it into something close to spectacular before selling at a significantly higher price than they paid those few short weeks ago.BizAssist.co.za spoke to Ian Hayward of Elite Crete who elaborates on why property improvement businesses as a whole are so successful and in such high demand. Bond originators have emerged as a buyer’s firm friend when looking at entering the property market. Offering several benefits to their clients, bond originators strive to make bond approval seemingly effortless, all the while serving themselves and the financial institutions with which they work.BizAssist.co.za spoke to Giovanni Gaggia from the Independent Bond Specialists, Priority Bonds about bond origination in South Africa, origination franchising, and what makes Priority Bonds a successful franchising opportunity.House prices have risen by between 3% and 7% in the last four years. Estate agent’s commission has stayed constant, ranging anywhere form 2,5% - 7%, more often, a comfortable 5%. This means, hypothetically, that sales agents’ salaries have risen almost 300% before tax in the last four years.While this sounds like an feasible industry to get involved in, BizAssist.co.za investigates if there is not more to it than that.Contact Details:Storm BuckinghamStorm@bizassist.co.zawww.BizAssist.co.za BizAssist is designed to assist entrepreneurs in running their small business. BizAssist has gathered all the resources and information the South African entrepreneur might require and hosts them in one place making BizAssist a one-stop business website.
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