11 June 2024

Wonderful Wild Yam

Submitted by: Ronel Benade
Wonderful Wild Yam

 Press-Release for: Naturally Vibrant

The Wild Yam Cream Effect

In the medical industry, the use of some plants to cure certain ailments is commonly put away as fallacies backed with little research and facts, and they do not consider the benefits that it can produce in a natural way, for example, the wild yam root benefits.

The plant we’re spotlighting in this post has shattered an age-long barrier, garnering the praise of medical practitioners.

The herb, wild yam root is gaining popularity for its immense benefits to our general wellbeing. The wild yam benefits for females are numerous, but among the most popular is its use for fertility and for pregnancies.

Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) is a bitter-tasting vine plant belonging to the tuber family. It grows mainly in areas such as swamps, thickets, and moist woods.

You may not be familiar with this plant, but it has always been used as an effective treatment option for different ailments. For centuries, our ancestors used this herb in the treatment of different hormonal-related issues – from menopause to osteoporosis. The roots of this plant contain a potent steroidal compound known as Diosgenin.

Diosgenin is a plant-derived form of estrogen, which is commonly called “phytoestrogen.”

This compound can be converted to hormones such as progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and estrogen in the laboratory.

What are the benefits of Wild Yam Root?

Below, we’ve gathered some hormonal-related benefits you’ll benefit from taking wild yam root.

  • Alleviates Premenstrual syndrome

If you occasionally deal with Premenstrual syndromes (PMS), you’ll find this tuber root valuable in your diet. Wild Yam root plays a crucial role in reducing the discomfort associated with premenstrual syndrome. When you ingest the extract, you may notice that your uterine walls feel more relaxed, easing off menstrual cramps, spasms, and pelvic pain.

  • Reduces menopausal symptoms
    As you reach menopause, you’ll notice daunting signs. And that’s why you may need to include Wild Yam extract in your dietary consumption. As a natural form of hormonal replacement therapy, Diosgenin attaches itself to the estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus, helping to regulate your uncomfortable menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness, low libido, and hot flashes. Wild yam restores libido, with this herb, you can enjoy satisfying intimacy and comfort in your menopausal years.
  • Combats hormone-related cancers
    Wild Yam extract attacks the cells of hormone-related cancer such as breast cancer cells, by enhancing the activity of progesterone receptors of the cancer cells. So, on the instructions of your doctor, you can add it to your anticancer treatment routine. You’ll also benefit from using this botanical as preventive medicine for cancer.
  • Improves Fertility
    If you’re dealing with infertility, you may opt for wild yam extract as an adjunct treatment. The extract may treat infertility in women because it increases estrogen levels.  The active compounds in this herbal extract soothe the lining of the reproductive tracts, thus improving your chances of conception. Diosgenin in wild yam interacts with the estrogen receptor sites and controls the secretion of estrogen, by boosting the synthesis of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland. Wild yam root for fertility can be your natural option of treatment, and you will find out why it has been for years the support of women with their reproductive health.
  • Slows down osteoporosis
    Low bone mass (osteoporosis) is a hallmark sign of menopause. Osteoporosis is caused by a drop in estrogen. And if you are affected by this condition, you can alleviate the discomfort by consuming healthy doses of wild yam roots. Low bone mass can be slowed down by administering products that contain diosgenin.

An effective cream to balance hormones, that contains the plant extract is the Hormone Balancing cream from Naturally Vibrant by Dr Ronel Benade. The topical cream contains a myriad of ingredients such as Wild yam root, Chaste Tree Berry, Clary Sage Essential oil.

Any side effects associated with using wild yam?

The possible side effects of wild yam are minimal, but some people may notice symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea, especially when they consume large doses of supplements containing this herbal extract.

While wild yam root is generally considered safe to consume, it’s important to note that it may interact with certain medications, particularly hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills. As with any supplement or herbal remedy, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before using wild yam root for fertility or any other purpose.

Wild Yam Cream available at: www.naturallyvibrant.co.za

Published in Health and Medicine

Naturally Vibrant

Our mission is to find holistic solutions for your wellness journey, which is why we strive to deliver products that provide genuine relief and comfort during your most vulnerable time whether it is your monthly period or menoupause. The Wild Yam Hormone Balancing cream is well thought through topical treatment that is non waxy or overly oily. We source the highest quality natural ingredients, which are fully absorbable by the body and nourish it with the right herbal quantity (AM/PM) it needs to perfom at its best.

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