Alcoholics, addicts, their families and their friends have many questions about rehabilitation and the procedures involved. Below, find answers to some of the frequently asked questions about drug and alcohol addiction treatment, and gain insight into the methods used to treat addiction.
FAQs: Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Will rehab cure addiction?
No. Addiction is a disease that has no cure. It is progressive and possibly fatal if not arrested. Rehab provides a place to establish a firm foundation to begin a life of recovery, and to learn how to manage one's addiction. Drugs and alcohol do not need to be a part of an addict or alcoholic's life any more.
After rehab, will an addict have addiction problems again?
The answer to that depends on the individual. Rehab does not cure addiction. However, by using the right drug treatment tools, combined with a 12 Step programme, addicts and alcoholics learn to overcome the need to drink or use drugs, one day at a time. If those leaving rehab work through their programme to the best of their ability, they have an excellent chance of living a normal life and never touching a drink or drug again.
Can an addict or alcoholic drink or use drugs minimally once they have left rehab?
No. Not if they want to remain abstinent and prevent a return to alcoholism or addiction. The disease of addiction is progressive. One drink or drug is too many and a thousand is never enough. Total abstinence is required. One drink or drug is the catalyst to the next, and the next, and the next. It is the first one that takes addicts and alcoholics back into a relapse.
What do people do in rehab?
In rehab, clients follow a recovery programme in a safe, structured environment devised to assist them in learning to cope with everyday situations once they leave. The programme consists of group therapy, individual counselling, art therapy, written work, attendance at 12 Step meetings, workshops, exercise, healthy eating and free time.
How long does one have to stay in rehab?
No client HAS to stay in rehab: if they want to leave, they are free to go (also known as RHT: refuse hospital treatment). However, it is recommended that clients stay for a minimum of three months in an Extended Primary Care facility, such as Oasis Counselling Centre, and a Tertiary Care facility such as Solar House.
"Many people worry that rehab is going to be like a prison sentence," says Helen Schaffer of Oasis. "The truth is that rehab is what the client makes of it. They can grasp recovery and the lifeline we offer them with both hands and live. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment is not a curse or a prison sentence - it can be an empowering and enlightening experience, a fresh start to a new, clean and sober life."
Contact Information:
Oasis Counselling Centre
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Tel: 044 533 1752