CMSA Congratulates The Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, who received the 2018 prestigious Kochon Prize on Tuesday 23 October 2018
Submitted by: SimoneOn Tuesday, 23 October 2018, the South African Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, received the 2018 prestigious Kochon Prize. He received two prizes: the first prize was in his individual capacity for his political leadership and role in the global fight against tuberculosis. The second prize he shared with a UK member of Parliament, the Right Honorable Nick Herbert, for their role as co-Chairs of the Global TB Caucus of members of parliament.
The prestigious Kochon Prize is awarded annually, and was held at The Hague, Netherlands on 23 October 2018. The prize is awarded to individuals and organisations that have made a significant contribution to combating TB either in their countries or globally.
The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa (CMSA) congratulates Dr Motsoaledi on the wonderful achievement that will no doubt advance and galvanise the fight against TB not only in South Africa but globally.
Dr Senkubuge - President Elect CMSA and Prof Sathekge - President CMSA