08 October 2020

rAge Digital Edition is coming soon - Book your free tickets now

Submitted by: Moloko Ramashapa
rAge Digital Edition is coming soon - Book your free tickets now

rAge, South Africa’s annual video gaming, technology and geek culture exhibition has gone virtual in 2020 and is the perfect escape into an interactive digital world. This year an #escapetoplanetrage is an online experiment that you are invited to be a part of –  book your free ticket now.

With rAge making its digital debut, fans can look forward to 3 days of fun and interactive streamed content that they can pick and choose from at their leisure – whether they want to stay for one hour or six. rAge can even be enjoyed around a braai this year, or anywhere with an internet connection for that matter.

As most events this year have gone into the cloud because of the pandemic, virtual events are becoming more seamless and commonplace.

Michael James, Founder and Project Manager of rAge, says, “We’ve learned a lot from attending other online events throughout the year, and have been making notes on what we liked and what we didn’t.

“We believe we’ve created a unique virtual experience that might not be what you’ve come to love and enjoy about a physical rAge Expo, but we hope it will keep you going until we can all connect with each other again in person. 

“rAge Digital Edition takes place from 6-8 NOVEMBER 2020. And while it may not be quite the same experience fans are used to, it’s different – hopefully good different. It’s our 18th birthday so we would love for you to join us as we celebrate all our favourite things about gaming.” 

Book online for FREE now. For more information about rAge Digital Edition, visit the www.rageexpo.co.za. #rageexpo2020 #escapetoplanetrage #agalaxyofgeek #18yearsofawesome

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Issued By: The Lime EnvelopeOn Behalf Of: rAge ExpoFor Media Information: Sarah Martin/Kerry OliverTelephone:082 927 9470Email:sarah@thelime.co.za kerryo@thelime.co.za

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