24 March 2006

Even the Milkman Blogs

Submitted by: LeontheMilkman.com
[Pressportal.co.za] Blogs are entering the mainstream in such a big way that even a milkman from South Africa has one - and he is using it to spread the good word about dairy.

To counter the negative posts on dairy we see all over the Internet and supply the consumer as well as the dairy industry at large with info - from the perspective of a dairy scientist - Leon the Milkman has put up a blog.
The blog is of course dairy-related and discusses everything from cheese to dairy science calculations and processes.

The idea is to transfer knowledge in a way that is accessible to dairy workers and to the consumer. To get off to a good start Leon is offering a free downloadable dairy dictionary to all that register as a milkfan on either www.dairy-info.org or www.LeontheMilkman.com.

Leon the Milkman says that he find it quite easy to get new issues to discuss on his blog - he just writes about everything that happens during his workday.

He finds blogs to be the easiest way to get his ideas on the Internet and also likes that he can easily change the template and look of his site, using the WordPress Blog format. This comes in handy with changing seasons or wanting to change the blog's look for a special holiday, like making everything green for St. Patrick's Day.

Plugins also abound for blogs and make it easy to add pictures, audio, and other special features to your blog.

Leon finds blogs to be a great way to do generic dairy marketing and says he will welcome input from the dairy industry in this regard. Dairy processors and dairy farmers are welcome to visit Leon the Milkman's blog and post comments or to contact Leon as this is one of his passions - spreading the good word on dairy.

The dairy industry can feel free to refer consumers to the blog as it has a search function that will answer a lot of common consumer questions on cheese and everything dairy-related.

Well all said and done - Leon the Milkman is happy - and that is all that matters.

"I find it so easy to just sit back at the end of a day and writing something short for the blog - it even helps to get perspective - much like writing in a journal would." Leon philosophizes, milk in hand.

Yes, he blogs in the evening, because mornings are for fresh milk deliveries of course.
Total Words: 429