23 July 2011

SAPIA welcomes the launch of draft fuel specifications and standards

Submitted by: MyPressportal Team
The South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA) welcomes the release of draft fuel specifications and standards by the Minister of Energy, Ms Dipuo Peters.
SAPIA will thoroughly consider the proposals contained in the draft position paper and make submission to the Department. The industry is going to play an active role in finalising future fuel specifications and standards for South Africa.

The ultimate goal of any country or regions Cleaner Fuels Program should be to reduce harmful exhaust emissions and thus contribute to an improvement in urban air quality as well as to reduce the release of Greenhouse Gasses. A holistic and integrated approach is required in order to achieve this. This requires a combination of improved vehicle technology, the provision of cleaner fuels to enable this technology and a number of other interventions, such as the introduction of vehicle Inspection and Maintenance programs, traffic management schemes, etc.

SAPIA members have over a period of two years, undertaken reviews of international experiences in this field and commissioned independent studies to provide background information that is needed to determine the future fuel specifications that would best contribute to the desired end-goal of improved air quality in South Africa and would be best suited to South Africas specific local conditions. These specific conditions include: a large older vehicle population, differing geographic conditions (including a wide range of altitudes), synthetic fuels being a major part of the fuel mix, the socio-economic climate in the country, etc. This information will be used to inform SAPIAs comments on the Discussion Document.

SAPIA believes that the process of determining to the most suitable fuel specifications for South Africas unique conditions should involve a multi-stakeholders process which includes the motor manufacturers, all relevant government departments, environmental NGOs and other interested stakeholders. A speedy process is encouraged so that regulatory certainty can be obtained without further delay in order to enable the very substantial investments that will need to be made by the oil companies. The cost implications to the industry, motorists and the country also need to be thoroughly reviewed.

SAPIA looks forward to the finalisation of the fuel specifications and standards which will represent the best interests of the country as a whole.

Note to Editors:
The South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA) represents the collective interests of the South African petroleum industry. Its members are BP Southern Africa (Pty) Limited, Chevron South Africa (Pty) Limited, Engen Petroleum Limited, PetroSA (Pty) Limited, Sasol Limited, Shell SA (Pty) Limited and Total South Africa (Pty) Limited.

SAPIA aspires to be a respected industry association which enhances the reputation of the petroleum sector and adds value to its member companies and all stakeholders.

Working together within the petroleum industry to promote social and economic growth for the broader good of all South Africans and industry.

SAPIAs objectives are to:

- Understand the needs of its stakeholders;

- Provide expert information and assistance to government, the petroleum industry and all South African citizens;

- contribute to policy formulation;

- Promote transformation, environmental leadership
and a fair regulatory framework for all;

- Facilitate security of supply;

- and enhance the reputation of the industry by communicating its contribution to economic and social progress.

Issued by : Avhapfani Tshifularo Executive Director, SAPIA
Website : www.sapia.co.za
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact numbers: Telephone: (011) 783-7664
Facsimile: (011) 783-5400

Read more http://www.mediaweb.co.za/journalist/mnews_j_.asp?id=4003

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