10 December 2024

Coal’s Future - New Report Charts Path to Sustainability

Submitted by: Christopher Demetriou

Modern coal technologies have the potential to meet global climate goals while continuing to drive socio-economic growth. FutureCoal’s new report, “Roadmap for a Sustainable Coal Value Chain,” offers insights into how advanced coal technologies can deliver clean energy and support the aspirations of developing and emerging economies.

Key Findings from the Report

FutureCoal’s report highlights the following key advancements:

  • Emission Reductions:
    High-efficiency low emissions (HELE) coal plants and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies could cut emissions by up to 1,412 MtCO2 annually—equivalent to removing 310-560 million SUVs from the roads worldwide.

  • Economic Growth:
    Transitioning to ultra-supercritical coal plants could add over USD 1.5 trillion to the global economy. Alternatively, replacing coal with other energy sources could incur an additional cost of USD 2.7 trillion due to reduced output.

  • High-Value Applications:
    Coal continues to be critical for industries such as steel (70% production), cement (90%), and aluminium (60%), while also playing a key role in producing cost-effective hydrogen and critical minerals like copper, cobalt, and nickel, essential for renewable energy and battery storage.

A Strategic Resource for Modern Life

Paul Baruya, Director of Strategy and Sustainability at FutureCoal, emphasised coal’s versatility:
"This report challenges outdated views of coal, reminding us that it is a versatile resource vital to modern life, industrial development, and economic progress. Strategic investments in advanced coal technologies ensure economic solutions worldwide.”

The report also details coal’s contributions to global communities through job creation, food security, and infrastructure support.

A Call for Collaboration

The report underscores the need for collaboration across the coal value chain to unlock the full potential of innovation and technology. FutureCoal’s roadmap has already reshaped stakeholders' perspectives on coal, demonstrating that strategic investments can lead to a sustainable coal future.

Press Release Submitted By

Company Name: FutureCoal
Contact Person: Paul Baruya
Website: www.futurecoal.org

Total Words: 319

Social Media Post

Coal’s Future: New Report Charts Path to Sustainability

Discover how modern coal technologies are reducing emissions and driving economic growth. #SustainableCoal #FutureCoal #ClimateSolutions #mypressportal #pressrelease #AfricaNewsroom #bizcommunity #publicrelations #africa #southernafrica #southafrica

Total Words: 345

FutureCoal Limited is the Global Alliance for Sustainable Coal and the world’s only coal multi-lateral and neutral representative organisation. Formerly the World Coal Association, FutureCoal represents a body of like-minded coal value chain participants who promote responsible education and transformation across the coal value chain through modernisation and deployment of abatement technologies and processes.

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