16 November 2021

7th Annual Water Stewardship Event 2021

Submitted by: Tranica Ramsunder
7th Annual Water Stewardship Event 2021

Dear Media Colleague, 

Please join us at the 7th Annual Water Stewardship Event 2021. 

The event is taking place virtually, over two consecutive days this year: 

  • 23rd November 2021: 09h00 to 13h00 (SAST)
  • 24th November 2021: 09h00 to 13h30 (SAST)

Register Here -  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YcraylGXQiaxY_2pLGec5A

Joining link: https://us02web.zoom.us/w/87623416104?tk=VGMWHWOeuF30a2pw7P_nVn2o3SOxW9jzPmqeD0jhhDs.DQMAAAAUZsM5KBZCNlVrNTBUdFRmbXE2ZVRMQ09QTUJBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

This year’s topic “Water Stewardship in Action: A Journey to Economic Recovery”, will unpack the robust governance required to ensure a sustainable economic recovery and explore what water investments are needed to support a post COVID-19 green recovery.  In two consecutive sessions, representatives from Government, the Private Sector and Civil Society will debate these important topics and will offer different perspectives on implementing solutions:

Day 1: The focus will be on the economic regulation of water; ongoing structural reforms for economic recovery in the water sector and the economics of ecosystems. Day 1 seeks to inspire further action and collaboration on the journey to economic recovery

Day 2: We highlight the numerous water stewardship initiatives taking place from local to national scale across the country. Day 2 seeks to showcase the different levels at which stewardship is currently occurring in South Africa, and profile the distinct work taking place at each level.  

The conference will be held online – we kindly request that you RSVP by 22nd November 2021.

We look forward to hosting you at this year’s 7th Annual Water Stewardship Conference.

Date: Tuesday, 23 November 2021 and Wednesday, 24 November 2021Times:

  • 23 November - 09:00 to 13:00
  • 24 November - 09:00 to 13:30   

Programme RSVP:  Please click here https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YcraylGXQiaxY_2pLGec5A  to register for this event

You can attend one or both days. 

Kindly respond by Monday, 22 November 2021.

Kind Regards,Tranica RamsunderBooST Communicationsinfo@boostcomms.co.za+27 72 230 8863  

Total Words: 410

BooST Communications

BooST Communications is a full-service PR and Marketing agency that was founded by a professional with over ten years of experience in the field of marketing and communications, within diverse industries. This invaluable experience forms the foundation around which the company thrives. Innovation, excellence and value are the driving forces of what set BooST apart from the rest.