24 August 2023

What's New in Excel 2023 - Office 365

Submitted by: Arnold Muscat
What's New in Excel 2023 - Office 365

What's New in Excel 2023 - Office 365 - About

Excel is one of the most widely used software programs in the world. Millions of businesses, professionals, and students rely on Excel to manage data, perform calculations, and create visually stunning dashboard reports.

Microsoft has been continuously adding new features and updates to Excel, and the latest versions of Excel 2019, Excel 2023 and Office 365 for Windows have introduced several exciting new features and improvements.

For the balance of the blog the term Excel 2023 will include Excel 2019 for simplicity. 

College Africa has been closely monitoring the new features in Excel 2023 and Office 365 and has developed a new two-day course called Magic Excel to help users take advantage of the new features and functions. In this blog post about What's New in Excel 2023 - 365, we will explore some of the new features and functions in Excel 2019/2023 and Office 365 for Windows and how they can benefit from an attending Microsoft 2023 or Office 365 courses.

What's New in Excel 2023 - Office 365 - Video

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWEkNq7Vhas[/embedyt]

What's New in Excel 2023 - Office 365 - The Main Changes

1. Changes in Excel's Calculation Engine

Excel's calculation engine has been improved to allow users to input one formula and get multiple results. This feature is known as the Spill Range feature, which allows a formula to automatically expand and populate the adjacent cells with results. This means users no longer have to copy the same formula across a range of cells manually due to the new changes in Excel 2023 - 365.

The Spill Range feature is a major improvement over Excel's previous array formulas. Instead of having to enter a complex array formula that is difficult to read and understand, users can now enter a regular formula and let Excel do the rest. This feature saves time and reduces errors, making it an invaluable tool for any Excel user.

2. Dynamic Array Functions

Excel 2023 and Office 365 for Windows have introduced seven new functions known as Dynamic Array functions. These functions are designed to work with Spill Range formulas and allow users to manipulate data more efficiently. The seven Dynamic Array functions are:

  • FILTER: This function returns an array of values that meet a specific condition or set of conditions.
  • SORT: This function sorts the contents of an array or range in ascending or descending order.
  • SORTBY: This function sorts the contents of an array or range based on the values in another range.
  • UNIQUE: This function returns a list of unique values in an array or range.
  • SEQUENCE: This function returns a list of sequential numbers in an array or range.
  • RANDARRAY: This function returns an array of random numbers between 0 and 1.
  • LET: This function allows users to define variables within a formula to make it easier to read and understand.

These Dynamic Array functions are powerful tools that can help users perform complex data analysis tasks quickly and easily.

3. New Formulas in Excel 2023 - Office 365

Excel 2019/2023/Office 365 has introduced several new formulas that can help users perform calculations more efficiently. These formulas include:

  • CONCAT: This function allows users to concatenate the values of two or more cells or ranges.
  • IFS: This function evaluates multiple conditions and returns a value based on the first condition that is true.
  • MAXIFS: This function returns the largest value in a range that meets one or more criteria.
  • MINIFS: This function returns the smallest value in a range that meets one or more criteria.
  • SWITCH: This function evaluates an expression against a list of values and returns the corresponding result.
  • TEXTJOIN: This function allows users to join the text from multiple cells or ranges using a delimiter.

These new formulas can help users save time and reduce errors when performing calculations.

4. XLOOKUP Function

The XLOOKUP function is one of the most exciting new features in Excel 2023 and Office 365 for Windows. This function allows users to look up a value in a table or range and return a corresponding value from another column. The XLOOKUP function is a powerful tool that can replace several other Excel functions, including VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP.

The XLOOKUP function is much easier to use than VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP and can save users a significant amount of time.

5. Exciting new Charts, Map Charts, Funnel & Stocks charts

Excel 2023 -Office 365 comes with new and improved charting options that are sure to impress. Among the new chart types are Map Charts, which allow you to visualize data geographically, and Funnel Charts, which are useful for visualizing sales processes. Another exciting new chart type is the Stock chart, which allows you to display stock data in a visually appealing way.

Map Charts: With the new Map Chart feature,  Excel 2023 -Office 365 makes it easy to visualize data geographically. The chart type allows you to plot data on a map of the world, making it easier to see trends and patterns in your data. The Map Chart feature is especially useful for businesses that have a global presence or for those that are looking to expand their operations to new markets.

Funnel Charts: Another exciting new chart type in Excel 2023 is the funnel chart. As the name suggests, a funnel chart is a chart that resembles a funnel shape. This type of chart is useful for visualizing data that goes through a process, where each stage has fewer and fewer items. For example, you can use a funnel chart to show the number of website visitors that convert into leads, then into prospects, and finally into customers.

Funnel charts are simple to create in Excel 2023. First, you need to enter the data that you want to visualize in the chart. Then, select the data and click on the Insert tab. Click on the Funnel Chart option, and select the type of funnel chart that you want to create. Excel will automatically create the chart for you, and you can customize it to your liking.

Stock Charts: Finally, Excel 2023 also includes new stock charts that can be useful for investors and traders. The new stock charts are similar to the existing line and column charts, but they have additional features that make them more useful for tracking stock prices.

The new stock charts in Excel 2023 include volume bars, high-low lines, and a timeline that can be adjusted to show different time periods. You can also add technical indicators like moving averages and Bollinger bands to the chart to help you make trading decisions.

To create a stock chart in Excel 2023, you need to have data that includes the stock prices over time. Once you have the data, select it and click on the Insert tab. Click on the Stock Chart option, and select the type of stock chart that you want to create. Excel will create the chart for you, and you can customize it to your liking.

What's New in Excel 2023 - Office 365 - Conclusion

In conclusion, Excel 2023 and Office 365 for Windows offer many new features and improvements that can help you be more productive and efficient in your work. From the new calculation engine that can handle dynamic arrays to the new chart types that make it easy to visualize your data, there is something for everyone in these new versions of Excel and Office.

If you want to learn more about these new features in Excel 2023 - Office 365 and how to use them to your advantage, consider enrolling in College Africa's MAGIC EXCEL two-day course. Our course covers all the new features in Excel 2023 and Office 365, as well as advanced techniques that can help you take your Excel skills to the next level.

Do not wait – sign up for our MAGIC EXCEL What's New in Excel 2023 -  Office 365 two-day course and start mastering Excel 2023 and Office 365! Contact Arnold at +27 083 778 4903 sales@collegeafricagroup.com or admin@collegeafricagroup.com for more information.

What's New in Excel 2023 - Office 365 - Resources

Please contact for more information about What's New in Excel 2023 - Office 365 Contact Arnold + 27 083 778 4903 or email sales@collegeafricagroup.com for more information and dates in your area for our MAGIC EXCEL two-day course on What's New in Excel 2023 - Office 365

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