11 July 2006
The Small Business Hub Empowers Small Businesses with Interactive Information Service
Submitted by: Small Business Hub [Pressportal.co.za] The Small Business Hub has launched a feature-rich web site to help small businesses handle all phases of their development. The aim of the site is to provide small business owners with critical information on all aspects of running a small business in a competitive climate. The latest in internet technology is harnessed to this end, so that information flow becomes a two-way process. Members have free access to a wide range of articles on the entire small business arena, and can participate in interactive forums and business blogs.
“The bulk of all economic activity in South Africa is driven by small businesses,” says Norio de Sousa, owner of The Small Business Hub, “and an information source like this can only be a boon to entrepreneurs, who in turn empower many others through employment.” The Small Business Hub web site is situated at http://small-business-hub.co.za. Its cornerstone is online assistance, in the form of small business self-improvement articles and free courses. These articles cover topics such as successfully using the internet and making the most out of an e-commerce web site, the streamlining of small businesses to attain better operational efficiency, time management, and successful outsourcing strategies. There are also many resources available to assist small businesses in winning new clients and selling their products. A sales training series is offered, which contains a number of free articles aimed at helping small businesses increase their sales. “We offer many different services to our members, all of which are free of charge,” points out De Sousa. “The biggest challenge facing small business owners, especially new ones, is growing and strategising their businesses while at the same time having to look after the day-to-day operational necessities. The Small Business Hub provides a central place where small business owners can get the information and help they need,” he continues. Two powerful features of The Small Business Hub are the interactive forums and blogs. These allow small business owners to benefit from each other’s experience. They are based on the very successful “open source” model, wherein participants share knowledge and all add to a central knowledge hub that is continually expanding. This knowledge hub is fully searchable, so members do not have to wade through pages of information, and instead can go directly to that which is pertinent to their needs. The big advantage of this model is that the knowledge provided is not theoretical, as it comes from people who have hands-on experience in running their own small businesses, and who are familiar with the pitfalls and best practices. New small business owners thus have access to knowledge and experience that they might otherwise take years to acquire, more often than not at their own expense. In this way The Small Business Hub is tapping into the true power of the internet. Of course, this is also an excellent way to make new business contacts. Other free features offered to members are a weekly newsletter highlighting the latest articles, their own blogging facilities, a business plan builder, listing in the business directory, and an events calendar that members can post to in order to publicise their events. The Small Business Hub plans to roll out some new services for members in the near future. One of the main ones is a business plan guide, to assist small businesses in writing their own business plans, which are often required to attract investors or to obtain business loans. Another upcoming feature is an FAQ section, which will allow members to source the most frequently asked questions emerging from the various forums.
Total Words: 624
Published in Business, Economy, Finances, Banking and Insurance