“Companies are becoming painfully aware that sending the right message to their employees is just as important as making a good impression with customers, vendors and investors” (The Wall Street Journal). Internal Branding, aligning employee commitment with the brand promise of the organisation, has become central to brand leadership.
Dr Nikolaus Eberl and Herman Schoonbee, authors of “Internal Branding: The IziCwe Code”, introduced a uniquely South African Brand Leadership Model, called The IziCwe Code, at the Performance Management Summit, held in Johannesburg.
Based on twelve years of global research, The IziCwe Code is about internal branding strategies from Emperor Shaka, aimed at engaging the emotional drivers of employee commitment (coined EmotiVators™ by Dr Nikolaus) and building total commitment to delivering the brand promise.
Dr Nikolaus and co-author Herman Schoonbee published “Internal Branding: The IziCwe Code” (Academy Press 2005, foreword by Reuel Khoza), which was recently critically reviewed by President Thabo Mbeki in his Letter from the President; using “the analytical tools contained in The IziCwe Code”, the President issued the challenge to government leaders to “generate the kind of commitment that will ensure that …our government at all levels … can be trusted to honour the brand promise!”
Dr Nikolaus’ earlier book “Conquer Life: Personal Branding Strategies from the Emperor” was appraised by The Business Day as “A must for anyone who wants to overcome personal and career challenges”, and Herman Mashaba, Founder of Black Like Me as “A uniquely South African formula for mustering the will to succeed and conquer life.”
Contact Details:
Dr Nikolaus Eberl
Chairman: IziCwe Academy
Internal Branding™ Division
Tel: +27 (0) 83 270 6009 / 10
Direct: +27 (0) 83 270 6011
Fax: +27 (0) 86 500 1800
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25 February 2007
The IziCwe Code @ Performance Management Summit: Internal Branding Secrets from Emperor Shaka
Submitted by: Dr Nikolaus Eberl{pp}Dr Nikolaus Eberl and Herman Schoonbee introduced a uniquely South African Internal Branding Model, called The IziCwe Code, at the Performance Management Summit, held in Johannesburg
Published in Business, Economy, Finances, Banking and Insurance