12 November 2006

South African Entrepreneur Publish Business Book of Note

Submitted by: Ben Botes
Image{pp}South African entrepreneur Ben Botes and US entrepreneur John Vinturella , based on different continents, recently combined their years of working with entrepreneurs and small business owners around the globe and created a groundbreaking book on new venture creation. This really is new news for new entrepreneurs!
South African entrepreneur Ben Botes and US entrepreneur John Vinturella  , based on different continents, recently combined their years of working with entrepreneurs and small business owners around the globe and created a groundbreaking book on new venture creation. This really is new news for new entrepreneurs!

“Release Your Inner Entrepreneur” (RYIE) is the result of experience and  knowledge  accumelated through working with hundreds of clients, and addresses issues relevant to budding entrepreneurs as well as experienced small business owners. Whether an entrepreneur is local or international in scope, RYIE provides a thorough yet clear analysis of the steps involved in starting a successful venture or sharpening an existing business.

Features of the book include real life scenarios, ongoing coaching support throughout and a supplemental web site (RYIE.com) with timely resources and downloadable podcasts to support readers well beyond the last page. The authors offer common sense tips, and apply their professional savvy on strategic issues to support the reader in the many steps from idea formulation to “harvesting” the business.

For more information contact John (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), visit the RYIE web site, or preview the book at Lulu.com. RYIE is on sale at amazon.com, and other fine online retail channels worldwide.

This book works because the authors know what they are talking about. John Vinturella has 40 years experience in the business world. Ben Botes has worked with and supported entrepreneurs on four continents.

"Buy this book and heed its message!"
Harold R. Singer
President, Singer Strategic Consulting, LLC

"There is no question; Ben Botes is an entrepreneur unleashing himself on the world!
Highly recommended."
Thomas Power
CEO, Ecademy.com

The book is available from Amazon.com

About the Authors:
John B. Vinturella, Ph.D., has written books on entrepreneurship and small-business management and maintains sites on entrepreneurship, Internet marketing, and personal finance. Dr. Vinturella also maintains blogs on business and on New Orleans\' recovery from hurricane Katrina. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Ben Botes is an entrepreneur, management consultant, executive coach and one of the UK\'s new leading thinkers on the coaching of entrepreneurs and small business leadership. His specialties are leadership development, individual and organizational learning, business innovation, personal transformation, and team dynamics. Ben is the founder of a web portal for 1st time business owners http://www.sabusinesshub.co.za.

Contact Details:
Ben Botes
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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