06 September 2007

Old Thinking New Times Times have really changed

Submitted by: Steven

{pp}Old Thinking New Times Times have really changed, and it is not only the crime and violence, the escalating drug problems or the fathers that wipe out their families, but time itself have changed. The need for companies to scale down staff compliments, coupled with increase in competition, demand for better and faster service has inevitably resulted in more pressure on the employee, The divide between rich and poor is being extended day by day and a bigger portion of the world populace and especially South Africa is finding themselves living on the breadline.

Most are trying to maintain a lifestyle that is quite common to them while the financial burden increase month by month.

There are three factors in life that influence the wellbeing of an individual and most times they are seen as independent from each other, and some times misunderstood in their own rights. According to Abraham Maslow and most rational thinking human beings there is a hierarchy of needs and it is basically very simple, here we are just going to focus and the to most important shelter and food. Maslow said that if this is not secure all other aspects will fail. The three aspects that influence human beings are Financial, Mental and Spiritual. So how is it possible that our financial state can influence our spiritual state it is almost the opposite of what most religious leaders say, isn’t it. So what is spirituality all about? It is about I very simple thing called hope, without it everything breaks down.

The lack of it takes people into the realm of depression and often enough suicide or and family murder. It is in plain language the inability to see light at the end of the tunnel, the maddening statement of “please you want to tell me this is as good as it gets?” So the fundamental outcome of spirituality is the experience of hope. This lack of hope is most often is caused by financial problems and dysfunction relationships then followed by illness. Mental wellbeing is peace of mind, security, and knowing one is doing the right “thing” to improve ones future in the moment of now, the latter being very pertinent for mental as well as physical well being.

It is directly related to the functioning of your immune system and can make a huge deferens as has been proven in the fields of psyconeuroimmunology, it is also unchecked in relation to ADD but play a very big role. It allows us to focus our minds in relation to not only the task at hand but our betterment in all aspects of life. Our financial state at the time and the financial state of our future does not only effect the aforementioned, it also effect our conscious but most important of all our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the generator of emotions, it changes the internal model of the way in which we perceive things as well as the way we react to it.

There has been a long tradition of leave your home at home and your work at work, this unfortunately has never been the case for the majority of employees, and the employers are paying the price for it. What makes this even worse it is very hard to monitor the loss in production, the loss of clients due to a negative change in attitude, and the effects it have on co workers. If we look at the traditional way of coaching and therapy, we will see that it is not cost effective for the already cash strapped average worker, but in relation to cost for the individual, there is the loss in productivity due to a prolonged absence of the employee.

In traditional coaching or therapy the client will make an appointment with his/her coach or therapist for a session usually an hour in length. Lets look at the average real time loss, half an hour traveling there, an hour appointment, half an hour back to work. That is already 2 hours lost, and as we know we can ad ten minutes before the person leave for rounding off and ten minutes after he is back for getting back in the swing of things. In effect we are looking at a loss of production of plus minus two hours and twenty minutes. So where is the person now, an average of R450 for the appointment, minus the cost of the fuel and three hours behind schedule at work, does this really decrease the pressure for the three different aspects of wellness.

Think not, we don’t loose control in the big issues, it is the small things that eats away from our experience of being E coaching and therapy is becoming fast the preferred service, the ease and privacy of doing it from your home or office, the confidentiality aspect and it is non confrontational. For further information on how ecoaching and therapy can help you as an individual or as a company giving your staff the ability to perform at their best.

Contact Details:www.ecoach.co.zasteven@ecoach.co.za+27 (0) 76 956 9416

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