High Performance Mindset Expert Reveals Latest Insights That Helps Entrepreneurs & Leaders to Flourish, Thrive and Grow
Submitted by: Tony
“The Right Mindset is required to ENSURE Your Success in Today’s Tough Times”
Johannesburg, South Africa, April21, 2014
Summary: With ever increasing pressure, stress and business challenges, entrepreneurs and leaders are asking themselves how they can help staff overcome feeling stuck, stressed-out, burnt-out and dis-engaged, to make 2014 and beyond their best years ever.
Mindset matters more than ever in today’s highly pressurized and challenging society,” says expert author and Corporate Soul Surgeon, Tony Dovale of Life Masters.
Because no matter how technically brilliant you are, the wrong Mindset; a lack of resilience, self-efficacy, hope and energy/thinking management skills will hold you back from academic, social, and business/career success,” he says.
The Book : ReThink Your Success Mindset by Tony Dovale,
Business speaker & Results Coach, Activator, Mindset Mastery expert, and author of the new book ReThink Your Success Mindset: How entrepreneurs, sales-people and leaders SHIFT from Stuck to Successful – SWIFTLY, reveals innovative and powerful ways to break through limited-thinking, negative thought-viruses and fixed/limiting mindsets - fast by “SWIFTLY” developing the right Mindset and Action-Advantage to ENSURE SUCCESS.
Over three decades, Dovale studied why people think and behave the way they do, say the things they say, and what driving needs dictate what they do, and what success they chase.
Dovale turned his research and observations into a trademarked program called the SWIFT SUCCESS ENSURANCE System, which is easy to learn and can immediately be put into action to get astonishing results fast.
Crashed and Learnt!
Dovales' journey to success is riddled with challenges, speed humps and crashes.
One day, Dovale was an expert Personal Transformation & Self Mastery Coach running a thriving Business Leadership Optimisation business. Then, as a result of a tragic paraglider accident, he was incapacitated and bedridden for over 3 months, with extensive damage to all areas of his body from the 50m paraglider crash and fall.
He began the adventure and journey of understanding the power of Mindset Mastery, healed, and used his challenging circumstances to create his SWIFT Success Ensurance System. "Not being able to work was a gift to develop my process of building resilience, self-awareness/self-mastery and action-orientated Mindset." Dovale said.
Build a High Performance and BELLET-proof Mindset to 2x to 4x Your Business
His system goes beyond typical positive-thinking and goal setting. People and companies who apply Tony’s SWIFT Success Ensurance System are able to transform personal and organisational Mindsets and 2x to 4x their business results within the first year of engaging Tony. They become HPO’s High Performance Organisations.
Today he guides entrepreneurs, leaders, sales-people and business owners to follow his proven system to similar results in all areas of their lives and business.
Among His Top Tips to ENSURE Success:
1. Mindset Beats Skillset.
Even with a great skillset, the right mindset can make you up to 7x more valuable in the workplace.
2. The Right Mindset Matters.
We all range somewhere along the continuum between FIXED mindset and GROWTH-Oriented Mindset. To ensure greater success and build Psychological Capital we must shift more towards growth orientation mindset side continually.
3. Context Controls Mindset.
Even growth-oriented mindsets can be eventually be blunted by inept, ineffective and negative workplace cultures/leadership styles. Leadership’s Mindset Matter too.
4. Mindset Matters in EVERY area of Life.
People, who have a stronger growth-orientated mindset, are more resilient, overcome adversity, are more flexible and agile. They get unstuck and are more successful in all aspects of their life and business. They Flourish. Now more than ever, entrepreneurs and leaders realize that mindset matters more than skills-set or tool-sets.
Skill-set is important, but the right Mindset can give leaders up to 7x greater value from their talent pool, to ensure they have the winning-edge in an ever challenging and competitive business market.” — Tony Dovale
Discover How to Optimise and Capitalize on Your Inner-Game and Master the Process of Building a Bullet-proof, Success Ensuring, Growth-Oriented Mindset, for You and Your Teams.
Register today for a free and high-value report on Building the High Performance Bullet-proof Mindsets to create 7x greater people value.
This valuable resource brings together extensive research and insights on what MINDSET is most valuable and ensures greatest success. Leaders, managers, sales-people and Business owners seeking to ENSURE success can register at http://www.theactionadvantage.com/news1
About Certified Happiness@Work & Mindset Leadership Expert Master Tony Dovale:
Tony Dovale of lifemasters.co.za, is a stirring Business Keynote Speaker & Results Coach, SWIFT Action-Activator, Mindset Mastery expert, and author of the new book ReThink Your Success Mindset: How entrepreneurs, sales-people and leaders SHIFT from Stuck to Successful – SWIFTLY.
Since 1991, Tony has facilitated life-changing Personal Mastery Action-Learning Experiences, plus he has helped companies transform their culture, leadership styles and team building dynamics effectiveness to deliver anything up to 2x to 4x business results.
Tony’s powerful SWIFT Action process and Success Ensurance Bullet Proof Mindset System guides entrepreneurs, sales-people and leaders on how to create a solid… “Ends”-goals focused process, to ensure true success in every area of life and business. This ensures creating greater levels of freedom, love, abundance, peace, Joy and profit.
Dovale welcomes media interviews, speaking engagements, workshop facilitation and the opportunity to transform, inspire and ACTIVATE leaders, entrepreneurs, sales-staff and success-oriented people globally.
Learn more at http://www.lifemasters.co.za
/SOURCE: Life Masters - Tony Dovale
/CONTACT: Tony Dovale, MindsetMaster@coachfree.com, Mobile ++27 (0)83-447-6300
/Web site: http://Rethinkspeaker.com For interviews and to book keynote speaking engagements or workshops, coaching and consulting contact MindsetMaster@coachfree.com. Mobile ++27 (0)83-447-6300
Tony Dovale of http://www.lifemasters.co.za and BEyond Speakers Motivational South Africa - author of The Action Advantage - Rethink Your success Mindset to ENSURE Greater TRUE Success in every area of your life...fast www.tonydovalespeaks.com
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