28 May 2014

Kredcor expands its financial management services

Submitted by: Adriaan Louw

Kredcor, situated in Johannesburg, South Africa, has expanded their range of business management services and can assist their B2B clients with the following:

* commercial debt collection

* credit information reports

* sundry credit management services, for instance default listing of companies and management, creit applications, tracing of defaulting debtors

* book keeping services, all the way through to having a CA sign the books off

* business related legal services

Kredcor has been in existence for 14 years now, and only employs experienced senior personnel, ensuring that their clients' matters are handled with the utmost care. Even international businesses doing business in South Africa, are utilising the services of Kredcor, in an effort to limit their credit risk and recover outstanding debt.

Kredcor has clients across the whole of South Africa, as well as international clients situated in England, America, the Netherlands and India.

The National Credit Act (NCA) is the standard by which Kredcor operates, and ensures that their dealings with the debtors of their clients fall within the confines of the NCA. This includes any and all legal documentation. As such, Kredcor is registered with the Debt Collectors Council of South Africa, as well as being members of ADRA (Association of Debt Recovery Agents).

As we all know, cash is king and having too large a debtors book, can seriously hinder the day to day operations of any business, no matter its size or location. This is where Kredcor can be of great help - they can minimise your credit risk by obtaining valuable information regarding your current and potential clients, as well as collecting outstanding debt, before it becomes too big a headache.

Their book keeping services will also ansure that your business is operating at maximum levels, and that your company is on the right side of SARS, as Kredcor can also assist with the payment of the relevant taxes.

To get in contact with Kredcor, they can be phoned on +2711 907 4406, or visit their website at http://kredcor.co.za.

Total Words: 332