21 May 2023

Gender Matters, a Practical response to the slippery ladder

Submitted by: Colleen Larsen

"Gender Matters: A Practical Response to the Slippery Ladder"

Despite decades of progress, the elusive ladder of success remains slippery for many women, and it is time for a practical response.  Knowing what you want and how to get there is of paramount importance in addressing the slippery ladder.

"Gender Matters" recognises the global explosion of gender concerns, emphasising that gender issues are not localised but transcend borders and impact the corporate world on a large scale. 

Authored by Colleen Larsen, a renowned figure in the field of gender and a leading voice for the sustainable advancement of women in the corporate and entrepreneurial space. In 2005, she founded Business Engage (www.businessengage.africa), a pioneering organisation driving gender mainstreaming in the private sector across Africa.  Col, as most people know her, brings practical expertise to guide women on their journey to success. "Gender Matters" is not just another self-help book; it's a practical guide tailored specifically for women aspiring to reach the top echelons of the business world or establish their own successful enterprises. The book is brimming with valuable insights, strategies, and a mindset shift necessary to navigate the treacherous ladder of success.  It does not provide industry-specific advice or promise a shortcut to success.  Instead, it acknowledges the arduous journey and emphasises the necessity of hard work in navigating the treacherous ladder of success.

"Gender Matters" advocates for women seeking positions based on their expertise, not simply because of their gender or the historical marginalisation of women.  It aims to equip women with the tools, strategies, and mindset to overcome barriers, achieve their professional ambitions, and get over the slippery ladder of success.

An essential aspect discussed in "Gender Matters" is the need for a collective effort to address gender issues.  It recognises that gender embraces diversity and requires women and men to work together to achieve gender mainstreaming.  "Gender Matters" introduces the concept of "quevolution," a rapid and progressive evolution of changing perspectives toward gender mainstreaming.  Not a revolution which is not sustainable.

Confidence, competition, collaboration, and competence are crucial in women's career journeys.  The book emphasises the importance of genuine confidence, owned and visceral.  It encourages women to express their aspirations, find their voice, tell their stories, and put themselves forward.

"Gender Matters" also addresses the lack of female role models and the importance of sharing stories of women's career growth and accomplishments at all levels of the corporate hierarchy.  It highlights the value of authenticity and finding one's unique path rather than trying to emulate the success of others.

"Gender Matters" underscores the significance of mentorship, sponsorship, and relationships in shaping a successful career.  It stresses the need for mentors and sponsors at various stages of a woman's professional journey, highlighting the importance of building relationships and gaining recognition in the corporate world.

With 14 insightful chapters, ultimately “Gender Matters” empowers women to make informed decisions, take decisive actions, challenge the status quo, and to embark on a transformative journey to achieve their professional goals.

For more information, visit www.colleen-larsen.com

Total Words: 533