18 February 2008

Cape Town Company secures multi million Rand tender in Johannesburg

Submitted by: Fiona Richardson

{pp}Cape Town based company, Combustion Technology, has been awarded a multi-million Rand tender to upgrade the coal fired boiler house at the Johannesburg Hospital in Gauteng.

This follows their Pioneering leadership in their field of expertise, which started with the Coal Conversion to Sasol Natural Gas in 2003.

Combustion Technology, based in Tokai, will be providing the specialist engineering services from both their Cape Town and Johannesburg offices, and their BEE partner, TR Mechanicals, will be providing the mechanical engineering services with another local Company Steamhouse, for the project.

The project is to convert the industrial coal fired boiler house to Natural Gas firing, with Egoli Natural Gas and provide a sufficient and reliable source of steam and also to have reserve capacity before the winter months. Four 16 Ton industrial coal fired steam boilers will be converted to natural gas firing. All the equipment and web based management systems are all the latest technology from around the world and all will be exclusively supplied by Combustion Technology.

The technology also ensures that greenhouse gasses are reduced and the system will also monitor record and manage the composition of the exhaust green house gas emissions to show leadership in the application of the energy efficiency and environmental sustainability policies of the Government.

Grant Renecle, MD of Combustion Technology is extremely excited about the project that is set to be completed within 30 weeks. “When the project has been completed it will be the one of the most modern boiler systems in the world with the lowest expected emissions. That’s quite an achievement for the country and definitely in line with the Government’s drive for a cleaner environment,” he comments. “We’ll be pulling out all the stops to ensure that the project is finished on time – in fact we have already started to dismantle the boilers that are due to be scrapped,” says Renecle.

This project proves that the Government is serious about the resolution for climate change that was passed at the ANC National Conference in December 2007. In order to reach these goals the Government will have to introduce energy efficient improvements in industry and will have to set fuel efficiency standards. “We are very pleased that we won the Tender and we are even more pleased that the Government has recognized our particular expertise in this field and committed itself to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as part of their responsibility to protect the environment and promote sustainable development,” concluded Renecle.

Contact Details:Issued by Fiona Richardson T 082 7377 322 fiona@richardsons.co.za On behalf of Combustion Technology Pty Ltd Cape Town

T 021 715 3171 F 021 715 6297 http://www.combustiontechnology.co.za/

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